TriRig Alpha One New Felt IA

Working with a friend on convincing them to install the TriRig Alpha One cockpit on their new Felt IA but they are concerned about how to make the shroud reattach to the cockpit. My suggestion was to drill and tap the set screws into the base shim but they aren’t game for that. Has anyone installed the Alpha One on the IA and what are your thoughts?

Screenshot 2023-11-25 103116.png

I looked into doing the same. I think there is at least one other person on here who did it, and they told me they used a home made wood shim in the same way you suggested your friend use one of the spacers.
Only other thing I could think of was to shave the two tabs off the top of the Felt nosecone and figure out some other way to keep it secured, some velcro tape, etc.
In the end, I bought the Felt dagger stem, and put a Zipp Vuka bar on it. That was 2-3 years ago. I think this winter I am going to put the original felt carbon bars onto it, as the dagger stem (huge chunk of aluminum) and Vukas are very heavy.

maybe use some JB weld and some strong, rare earth magnets?

you could also put some sort of tether on the shroud and tie it to the brake cables for some assurance