TriBriGuy: My 2r.5

Bri, here are a few pictures of my r2.5 to keep your interest until your’s arrives. Excuse the poor quality but the light was going. As it will be my daily ride there is nothing drastically light that compromises use but it still comes out at 6.8k as is, with cages.>232%3A%3D3%3B6%3D<3%3B%3DXROQDF>2323939%3B8%3B2%3B4ot1lsi>nu%3D3239>2<5>%3B4%3A>WSNRCG%3D3232%3A2%3A%3A%3A8<5<nu0mrj FSA compact crankset with Record front derailleur and Keos.>232%3A%3D3%3B6%3D<3%3B%3DXROQDF>2323939%3B987%3B7ot1lsi Nokon cables, Zero Gravity brakes, Chorus Ergos, ITM Millenium bars and Ritchey stem (soon to be replaced by Syntace F99).>232%3A%3D3%3B6%3D<3%3B%3DXROQDF>2323939%3B97383ot1lsi USE carbon Alien post and Easton SLX forks and American Classic 350 sprint wheels complete and suspension . I rode this on a 102 mile circuit of the Cotswold Hills Sunday and it climbs as well as you would expect it to do, it descends most surefootedly whilst reacting to any rider input without losing composure. At the same time it is stable enough to put on or remove jackets etc no handedly! You will love your new ride as I do mine.

Very, VERY nice. I am most certainly green with envy…I find this ride classy and fit for riding. I like the AmClass 350 wheel choice. I’d only change one thing…I’m a Michelin man…but who’s to quibble…

Actually, I have a pair of Pro Race tyres that I will be putting on tomorrow! Whatever you do don’t get something else if the delay increases this is a really sweet ride.

Perhaps I haven’t been exactly clear…the delay is with my BANK ACCOUNT…probably well beyond any delays Cervelo is experiencing…but the situation is improving rapidly…


Good for you. Don’t forget to post when you have it, I would like to see your build (unless it is Shimano ;-0 ).

Interestingly enough I built my r2.5 up yesterday evening and plan to take a short ride this evening. i will have to post a pic at some point and something about how it rides.

Hey JW, I’m sure you will love it. Make sure you get some clombs and descents in. Don’t forget to post some pics.

Nice. So with a few more centuries under your belt you will ready for IMC!

Just about the head out on my Cervelo tin can. Will pretend its Carbon and kitted out with Chorus!

Oh, that bike is going to be Campy…for sure.

That bike is nice. Is that tree on your property, I think it is better than the bike. I love trees.

Forget the R2.5…your bike is old news, Julian…have you seen the latest pics of the upcoming carbon Soloist?..still gonna be Campy, though.

I’m a Michelin man

So you look like this?


Yeah but your engine is Record to my ?9for the moment) Centaur!

Yeah, that’s our tree. If you like that you should see the Cedar, it’s about 300 years old!

Yeah, it looks very nice in it’s plain weave prototype finish, not so keen on the team colours.

Anyway I have a Kalibur for TTs and tris so it would be duplication some what.

Oh, I’d be keeping the Soloist pure road. The Talon SL will stay on as TT for a while.

Did you say your groupset was Chorus or Centaur or a mix? Just wondering because I was looking at the photos which show the Chorus brakes… but you said you had a “(9 for the moment) Centaur”?

My photo shows Zero Gravity brakes! The groupset is Record front mech, Chorus ERgos and rear mech , FSA chainset and ZG brakes, all of which I thought I alluded to. The Centaur comment was that the engine was Centaur (at the moment) compared to SimpleS’ Record, a joke about the lose of fitness and base training missed due to my back condition.

I wish - current condition is not so good!