TriBike officially out of business

I just received the below message from the BBB.
I guess my $600 for Kona 2024 is gone.

Thanks TBT and IRONMAN (for allowing TBT to be a partner)

Thank you for contacting your Better Business Bureau (BBB) to assist you in resolving your complaint. Our records indicate this company is out of business. Either the company’s mail has been returned with no forwarding address or the company has confirmed it is out of business. Unfortunately, this means that BBB will be unable to assist you in resolving your dispute. It is up to you if you wish to seek legal advice and/or contact your State’s Attorney General’s Office.

If you have reasons to believe the company is still in business, and you have a different address for this company, please forward this information to our office and we will attempt to contact the company.

Thank you for using BBB’s Marketplace Services.

Owner Marc is a member here. If there’s any future business to be had based on promised restructuring, let’s see if he responds.

Doubtful but it would nice to hear what’s going on.
Shame that they continued to accept reservations for 2024 races knowing they were going under.

You’re right. Some would argue even criminal. If they come back, no one should ever trust them again. But many will. And many have already blindly admitted to doing so.

I warned people before not to use them. I got shafted by the UK company and the guy took my money and still raced in Kona, the same here the company went under! He now has a coffee shop in Ireland?

Marc/TBT should have stuck with the North American races. They had a solid business plan. But I guess after Covid the business plan changed to recoup asap no matter the cost. Expansion can be good but doing it too quickly can be detrimental as it obviously was for him.

As an athlete that depended on TBT for my IM races, this has to have an affect on IM. I know a poll was taken here last month but I am not sure it truly reflected the impact of athletes who will no longer fly/ travel for races.

I am now personally concerned about how to get my bike to Kona.

Marc/TBT should have stuck with the North American races. They had a solid business plan. But I guess after Covid the business plan changed to recoup asap no matter the cost. Expansion can be good but doing it too quickly can be detrimental as it obviously was for him.

As an athlete that depended on TBT for my IM races, this has to have an affect on IM. I know a poll was taken here last month but I am not sure it truly reflected the impact of athletes who will no longer fly/ travel for races.

I am now personally concerned about how to get my bike to Kona.

At a minimum it does create potential issues of even more bikes overwhelming the capacity of the flights. So even if IM attendance stays the same, everyone will suffer based on increased issues with bikes not making the flight in or out.

I can say that when I used their service, despite the issues I had, which are not related to this post, I was surprised at how flexible they handled things.

What ever happened to the bikes in the container that were being held ransom?

Owner Marc is a member here. If there’s any future business to be had based on promised restructuring, let’s see if he responds.

Restructuring without paying back to OP and people in same position is NOT going to work.
He basically stole money from people. He’s a thief, period.

Owner Marc is a member here. If there’s any future business to be had based on promised restructuring, let’s see if he responds.

Restructuring without paying back to OP and people in same position is NOT going to work.
He basically stole money from people. He’s a thief, period.

If they do come back, you’ll see a line of people handing their money over to that thief.

I would guess more people DO NOT know about their business issues then do know. Unless TBT sent out an all hands alert to every customer they have serviced, a large portion of people likley have no clue. Many many people use this service 9 months- 1 year out and 1 time every 4 years (when they do a big race). I just don’t think they would rebrand and not either do the right thing with customers like the OP and/or just never come back. So I’m not really seeing how or why they’d come back (even though it’s 100% a service that is needed).

I would guess more people DO NOT know about their business issues then do know. Unless TBT sent out an all hands alert to every customer they have serviced, a large portion of people likley have no clue. Many many people use this service 9 months- 1 year out and 1 time every 4 years (when they do a big race). I just don’t think they would rebrand and not either do the right thing with customers like the OP and/or just never come back. So I’m not really seeing how or why they’d come back (even though it’s 100% a service that is needed).

Sounds like a pretty good opportunity to start up a bike shipping/building company. See the world, build bikes, have hot chicks and quirky guys chatting to you every other weekend. Who’s in?

They are still in the container…first in NC, then in Chicago, and now in CA…according to airtags…

I researched ways to get my bike to/from Romania in 2022. I’ll need to look up all the details, but I just rcvd an end-of-year greeting from ‘ShipToCycle’. Seems to pick up locally, deliver worldwide and back. No ‘white glove’ service - I think that you box the bike up, they ship/deliver in your box. You need to disassemble/pack and reassemble, then disassemble/pack at the event venue. This could be valuable if you are traveling to a race and want to extend your stay on holiday (and not haul you bike/box as you would if you fly your bike on the plane with you). Definitely not TBT, but potentially useful for some. Just to be clear - I did not use them (I rented a bike in Romania b/c I was flying to Spain after the race to join the family on summer vacation and had no interest in hauling the bike around with me).

Maybe we need a thread of bike transport options…and reviews…

You’re right. Some would argue even criminal. If they come back, no one should ever trust them again. But many will. And many have already blindly admitted to doing so.

There is a fine line between getting money in and covering costs to fraudulently taking money when your business is going under. I’m guessing he was good until he wasn’t and part of that was taking future reservations.

That doesn’t negate how shitty of a situation it is. But a lot of times it’s not intentional they are just trying to save it.

It’s also doubt anyone will care when they restructure. They provide a needed service. We can just go back to Bike Sport Michigan and Demerly actually taking money and not ordering products, few knew and less cared.

It’s also doubt anyone will care when they restructure. They provide a needed service. We can just go back to Bike Sport Michigan and Demerly actually taking money and not ordering products, few knew and less cared.

It still astounds me he was welcomed back into the business with “The Tri Shop” a few years later (until it went under), and that he’s still welcomed by many in the tri community.

But given that there are still folks that praise predators like Sutton, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised with allowing thieves.

You’re right. Some would argue even criminal. If they come back, no one should ever trust them again. But many will. And many have already blindly admitted to doing so.

There is a fine line between getting money in and covering costs to fraudulently taking money when your business is going under. I’m guessing he was good until he wasn’t and part of that was taking future reservations.

That doesn’t negate how shitty of a situation it is. But a lot of times it’s not intentional they are just trying to save it.

It’s also doubt anyone will care when they restructure. They provide a needed service. We can just go back to Bike Sport Michigan and Demerly actually taking money and not ordering products, few knew and less cared.

This is the American way. It is easier to scam someone than to convince them that they were scammed.

Marc/TBT should have stuck with the North American races. They had a solid business plan. But I guess after Covid the business plan changed to recoup asap no matter the cost. Expansion can be good but doing it too quickly can be detrimental as it obviously was for him.

As an athlete that depended on TBT for my IM races, this has to have an affect on IM. I know a poll was taken here last month but I am not sure it truly reflected the impact of athletes who will no longer fly/ travel for races.

I am now personally concerned about how to get my bike to Kona.

A good friend with inside knowledge said they were playing financial games long before Covid. Finally caught up with them. Nice guy, but really bad business issues.

They are still in the container…first in NC, then in Chicago, and now in CA…according to airtags…

Correct- know a couple people who raced AG worlds who still have not received their bikes and they are being held by the 3PL/4PL

Would be cool if USAT- who Tri bike transport was the official bike transport partner of for AG worlds- did something for their members or f

I’m actually surprised it’s not bigger news- replacement cost of that many bikes is in the hundreds of thousand dollars currently being impounded.

After the GoFundMe effort failed Intelligent reached out to USAT, but that organization has chosen not pay the accumulated freight bills.

There is currently no pathway for that bill to be paid by these athletes in the aggregate since there is no crowdfund platform. TBT is out of money. No one else appears inclined to pay that bill.
Excerpt pulled from…

USAT is not paying the bill.

I wonder if the bike owners can file insurance claims if they do not get their bikes back ultimately?