Triathlon Taren Update

Does anybody have one?

Is he signed up for Hyrox yet?


I think he realized he became irrelevant with his flip flopping between tri and fitness and trying to pass himself off as a coach/trainer. Took a while but he finally dropped from existence or people figured out he was a schill/poser.

I used to really like his content; sure things got a little wonky there for a bit; I just went to look on line to see if anything of his is of interest and looks like he hasnā€™t posted for a couple months. Hope he and NTK are ok.

So for a serious answer, I had stopped following him several years ago. Is My Mottiv training still a thing? No change to his linkedin, but his last youtube video was four months ago. He hasnā€™t posted on instagram in over a year. The My Mottive social channels had an apparel sale post three months ago, but the next piece of content is over a year old. His staff page that existed on My Mottiv is gone and he had like 20 people listed thereā€¦so did his grift fall apart? Looks like someone joined Mottiv in May so, odd? But for a platform that was built by a guy who became a niche social media personality, there being no updates on at least the platformā€™s social channels is odd. Also looks like they moved from Vancouver to Calgary.

Looks like their last podcast was March and it had some type of update, but you need to tell us whatā€™s on it because Iā€™m not listening to it!

Tough to make it as a fitness influencer with a dad bod.

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He is still somewhat active on Strava and posts a couple rides a week usually.

Thanks for that linkā€¦.seems they have moved to Calgary to take advantage of the tech community and government fundingā€¦ also seems like they are all-in on the app and have gone full bore on AI being implemented in the platform, and seems like i know nothing about business, the tech world and how to build things.

I wish them both all the success, health and happiness.

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His content was decent for awhile when it seemed like he was being a goofy and authentic triathlete sharing stuff he was passionate about. Then things started seeming like they were going crazy. I understand change to stay relevant by the whole Mottiv thing and rebranding entirely (dropping the whole triathlon taren name) just seemed too radical too fast. His content gradually became less and less of interest to me and I separated myself from it. I donā€™t know who talked him into it, or if his aspirations were just too big to begin with. It takes a lot of work to build and maintain something like what he had, and I can understand stepping away if he was feeling burnt out. Regardless, I wish him the best.


Enjoyed his content a lot. Few things I didnā€™t agree with which is okay given the huge amount of videos. Towards the end it wasnā€™t my cup of tea anymore and stopped following. Seemed like his long distance step with Dan Plews f* him up pretty bad with going low carb tbh (but also I got no idea), maybe burnout as well to a degree, which is fine. It happens.

He made the entry to Triathlon a lot easier for me, made it look fun, where way too many people in the sport are too serious about that shit and I hope Taren and Kim are fine and also happy :slight_smile:


Sounds like a lot of people share the same opinion. I got into Triathlon in 2017/18, and I really liked his content, although I did find the whole ā€œTrainiacā€ thing very cringe.

Itā€™s too bad that he went so far off the rails. He would have been a great advocate for the thousands of age groupers who just want to train well and have fun. It got super weird when he went too deep into the influencer stuff with mushroom coffee and trying to be chummy with the pro field.


Great points. I think itā€™s a testament to crossing the threshold from authentic to out-of-touch. It seemed like he was worried about slipping viewership, and bringing more money in. It has to be pretty scary for these guys who quit their full time jobs to dive 100% into creating content like that.

I also enjoyed his content a lot. During COVID I would ride for hours and watch every triathlon channel I could find and his was very engaging. I liked hearing from an age grouper. Sure I really liked pro content like Lionel, TTL, Tim and Rinny, Cody Beals, LCB and GTN but there was something even more appealing hearing an AG opinion/insights.

After he divested from triathlon I lost interest but I was also appalled at how the triathlon community went after him. It was the same shitty response as when Gwen went to running. It was like a big part of triathlon felt betrayed so they went into attack mode.

Hope they are doing well.


No one really talks about that but whether we blame dan p for lols or whether taren bit off more than he could chew training following dan p scriptures, it was a matter of time before 1 2 3 bye bye taren

They didnt go after him because he ā€˜divestedā€™ from triathlon, they went after him because it was clear as day he turned into snake oil selling shill who would say and sell anything for a dollar.

Once he started spruicking all the wacky supplements, grounding mats, lights to go inside your ears, carbon insoles that save you 20 watts etc his game was upā€¦ He went from someone newbs could trust to someone taking advantage of the newbs.


Yepā€¦What lastlap said.

I need to start using the word divested in regular life and in ST posts

Letā€™s not forget all the four sigmatic crap, and the time he claimed a tablespoon of MCT in your coffee in the mornings wouldnā€™t break your fast because MCT oil is transparent.

Never enough of reminding other content creators about this shitshow. Once your credibility is gone, itā€™s gone. Is Ari Klau here? Donā€™t go down that path brother.