Triathlon and Duathlon Races on Zwift

For a while now, we have been running Duathlon Zwift Racing Series (DZRS), with fixed slots every Saturday and Sunday, to accommodate as many different timezones as possible. Detailed information:

For the last two weeks, going into our 3rd week now, we also started the new Z Games ZWOW format, which doesn’t have fixed slots, but a 24 or 48-hour format to complete the workout (Z Workout Of the Wednesday/Weekend) with time cut offs.

With the ZWOW format we also managed to accommodate rowing users, therefor the Triathlon format. Well aware that rowing is still not officially supported on Zwift (even tho, routes are in the game already), but we’ve managed to get around that.

Also, the ZWOW format enables anybody who doesn’t have a treadmill to complete their runs outside!

Detailed information:

We also set up two Facebook groups:

  1. Zwift Triathlon:
  2. Zwift Duathlon:

Everything is done on a voluntary basis, I hope posting about this is ok, the COVID times are hard on everybody and this might help some to stay fitter and keep them on the competitive edge through the quarantine and limitations we are facing.
I’m aware it’s not 100% bulletproof, but it’s a start. We had some big names already joining us, like Lars Petter Storm and the performances were a big wow (crazy running times!)

Row/Run/Ride On!