Just out of curiosity how many of y’all have bad habits? Dipping, binge drinking, smoking, a really dirty house, eating a bag of doritos late at night. Whatever it may be. I’ve been dipping for a few years now. Stupid I know and I’m trying to quit but it’s tougher than it looks. Just wondering if I’m the only non perfect one of y’all here at ST. So come on divulge your vices?
i am perfect now, I quit copenhagen cold turkey 5 weeks ago…first two weeks SUCKED…
I have a couple of glasses of wine at dinner most nights; more on the weekends.
I watch my diet closely during the week but usually go out and pig out on Friday nights.
i am perfect now, I quit copenhagen cold turkey 5 weeks ago…first two weeks SUCKED…
I quit August 2002, also cold turkey. Now I can be a binge eater, but I still weigh the same so who cares!
I’m a night owl. I love the night. This is not ideal for training.
So I am fully guilty of all the things posted so far. Unfortunately more often than not.
I try my best not to drink to much and do a decent job of it. I smoked in highschool but quit my senior year, have a problem with dip here and there though. I had one spree of chain smoking this past year when I got hurt but kicked it in a couple weeks, thank god. Tobacco is a devious plant and certainly to not be taken for granted, if anybody has never used the should never even try it once, its bad news. Smoking cigarettes a subtle constant “chasing the dragon” effect looking for that magical buzz of some earlier time. A lot of my good friends I grew up with are smokers and most of them are constantly trying to quit. Aside from being extremely addictive and bad for you its also a pretty powerful drug and can lead to a certain level of intoxication.
Over training occasionally as well.
I don’t really drink, no tobacco either.
I eat everything in sight and that is while “holding back.” If I just didn’t care at all and ate whatever I wanted, I would be 350 pounds within a year or so.
My car is a mess but not so much the house.
yep, beer drinking, junk food binges, way too much red bull/ caffeinated soda type stuff, not enough fruit and veggies. But decent results, still improving at age 36. will probably drop dead at 45 when my heart finally has enough
Have been known to drink too much, so cutting back to 1/3 bottle of wine a night now or less.
Have been known to eat too much sweet food, especially in the Winter, which is compounded with doing less exercise.
Have been known to stay up late too often, created by a job which I work wt to 2.30am 4days a week.
Latest habit is buying stamps on ebay, due to getting used to sitting on my butt at a computer.
Well I call all the above bad habits because I am looking forward to changing them.
Anybody have to give up ganja in order to do triathlons? I prefer it over alcohol. Alcohol just doesn’t do it for me, but some sweet herb is the best. Unfortunately, I value my race results more than smoking out, getting the munchies, and watching Venture Brothers all night.
Wasabi Doritos. I’m in love…
Had an eating disorder for a couple years of college, which I thankfully kicked four years ago. Used to drink a fair bit, now only on super special occasions (ie when the college crowd gets back together). Smoked herb in middle and high school, but half my buddies from there turned into huge druggies who are only now recovering. The commentary on my garage when I posted my bike fit pictures was great too… lots of Hoarders references.
A man of many former vices… fetishizing fancy bike equipment and freebasing espresso are the only ones that remain.
Well, CaptainCanada masturbates a lot. But we all know it’s healthy to masturbate, “bad habit” or not…
I myself drink more wine than I could if I really cared about a great diet. And tomorrow being Bastille Day is not going to help…
I eat cleaner than pro triathletes…
I don’t have a sweet tooth…
I don’t like junk food…
haven’t had a soda is 5 years
i snack on vegetables and fruit
but I cannot for the life of me quit dipping…skoal mint. I have it once a day after lunch and when I play golf…hard to quit
I have never drank alcohol (except one night- my bachelor party), never done drugs, never smoked. BUT, I’m addicted to sugar. I drink 2 Cokes a day (1 with lunch, 1 with dinner) and have some sort of cookies or cake after lunch and dinner virtually every day. I also LOVE burgers and fries (yes, including McDonald’s) and can down a whole pizza if I’m hungry enough, and even have a donut or two once a month or so.
I am glad to hear I am not the only one with a vice here: I have a very difficult time controlling my food intake. I have been able to drop almost 70lb this year but still struggle with all things food on a daily basis. Back in 2007 I used Ironman training as an excuse to eat like absolute shit for an entire year… unfortunately that habit continued after the training went bye bye.
After reading all these I’m so glad I live a life free of bad habits.
Oh hell, occasionally I’ll indulge in a highball and chase it with some crank. But I never show up for work until my head has cleared to just a low level buzz. My local pilots union steward insisted on that one.
And I do enjoy getting a Vegas hooker once a month - but no more of those kinky S&M ones. The deacon and I made a pact last Sunday - I give up the S&M girls and he stops paying for the trannys. He’s always making sacrifices, bless his heart.
Too much red meat.