Triathlete's son crushed La Vuelta today

Was watching Stage 4 of La Vuelta today a huge mountain stage with 20% climbs and low and behold one of the people at the front of the race was Matthew Riccitello, 22 year old son of Jimmy Riccitello. He finished with the same time as Primoz Roglic and is 12th overall after 4 stages. According to an article I found he might be a GC contender soon Matthew Riccitello is America’s new GC star to get excited about: ‘He’ll do well on big mountains very, very soon’ | Cycling Weekly Pretty cool.

Like father like son. Jimmy was one of the strongest cyclists in his tri days.

Was watching Stage 4 of La Vuelta today a huge mountain stage with 20% climbs and low and behold one of the people at the front of the race was Matthew Riccitello, 22 year old son of Jimmy Riccitello. He finished with the same time as Primoz Roglic and is 12th overall after 4 stages. According to an article I found he might be a GC contender soon Matthew Riccitello is America’s new GC star to get excited about: ‘He’ll do well on big mountains very, very soon’ | Cycling Weekly Pretty cool.

Matthew had a very good Tour de Suisse earlier in the year.

He is extremely talented, an extremely hard worker and one of the nicest riders I have ever met.

( I am trying to setup a race with Lionel up Mt Lemmon :slight_smile: )

He’s been on a steady rise for a while now.
Really cool to see him move from the front of the Shootout to the front of Suisse and now La Vuelta.

IDK if he’ll every get to True GC level. But he’s a hell of a climber, he’s certainly going to continue to improve and I know a lot of triathletes will be rooting for him along the way.

“He finished with the same time as Primoz Roglic and is 12th overall after 4 stages.”

Yes - but he drafted his ass off ; )

Thanks for the mention of our Tucson boy!


Like father like son. Jimmy was one of the strongest cyclists in his tri days.

Fortunately, he takes after his mother more than me.

Only 17 mores stages to go . . . !

Was watching Stage 4 of La Vuelta today a huge mountain stage with 20% climbs and low and behold one of the people at the front of the race was Matthew Riccitello, 22 year old son of Jimmy Riccitello. He finished with the same time as Primoz Roglic and is 12th overall after 4 stages. According to an article I found he might be a GC contender soon Matthew Riccitello is America’s new GC star to get excited about: ‘He’ll do well on big mountains very, very soon’ | Cycling Weekly Pretty cool.

Matthew had a very good Tour de Suisse earlier in the year.

He is extremely talented, an extremely hard worker and one of the nicest riders I have ever met.

( I am trying to setup a race with Lionel up Mt Lemmon :slight_smile: )

Please do it! That would be hilarious. Matthew sure did ride one hell of a race at TdS and what a great ride so far in Spain. This climbing heavy course with minimal TTing suits him very nicely on paper.

@Jimmy and family must be loving this. Chapeau

“He finished with the same time as Primoz Roglic and is 12th overall after 4 stages.”

Yes - but he drafted his ass off ; )

Thanks for the mention of our Tucson boy!

Where was the Ironman zebra squad? the service is slipping over in Spain!!!

our feed mentioned him a few times as Ricky Tello!!! took me a sec to figure out who they were talking about!

I laughed out loud at this exchange early in today’s broadcast…


CVdV - Great ride yesterday by Jimmy Riccitello.

BR - … Matt!

CVdV - Ugh! I sound like Phil!

I would’ve thought the roles would’ve flipped = Bobke caught The Liggett, and CVV called him on it

“He finished with the same time as Primoz Roglic and is 12th overall after 4 stages.”

Yes - but he drafted his ass off ; )

Thanks for the mention of our Tucson boy!

Post of the year!

Indeed! 😁