Tri suit or bike shorts for IMAZ?

Since I signed up for IMAZ this November I’ve started to increase the duration of my daily training. I’m used to shorter events, mostly sprints and Olys, but I have done the Santa Barbara long course (kind of a weird 1/4 Ironman thing) and one 70.3 so far. I generally don’t eat during those events, just hydrate with the occasional gel here and there. But for a full length IM, I know nutrition is going to be key to finishing this thing. As it is, I’m planning on my usual hydration and gels, plus bananas and maybe some more substantial “fruit smoothie” kind of stuff, particularly on the run portion.

And that brings up the next concern. So far, I’ve never needed to empty my bowels during an event. Peed more than a few times, who hasn’t? But never had a bowel movement. Being new to the tri suit idea, I thought these things would be great. And then I tried them. Don’t get me wrong, I will absolutely use a tri suit in my shorter events. But a longer event, where bathroom breaks may be a physiological necessity, it seems like a tri suit may be a less-than-ideal solution. And just aside from the bowel movement concern, I don’t have the anatomical luxury of “just whipping it out”.

So now I’m thinking that for anything shorter than a full distance IM event, sure, go with the tri suit. But for a 15 or 16 or 17 (hopefully not 17!) hour day, maybe just some comfortable bike shorts and a jersey would be a better plan.

Input from experienced competitors?

A tri short and an aero top is a better option for porta potty stops than bike shorts and a jersey (plus a standard bike jersey isn’t very aero and will cost you minutes over an aero top or trisuit in an IM). Only go with the bike shorts if you need/want the added cushion for the longer ride…and you’ll probably want to swap them out for running shorts in T2 to avoid 26 miles feeling like you’re running in a wet diaper. Desoto also makes a tri suit for women that is porta potty friendly.

The new one piece tri suits have front top zippers which allow you to easily unzip and pull off the top portion for porta potty breaks. I think your biggest issue is that nutrition plan, however.

your biggest issue is that nutrition plan, however.


The new one piece tri suits have front top zippers which allow you to easily unzip and pull off the top portion for porta potty breaks. I think your biggest issue is that nutrition plan, however.I am worried about it as well. I am trying to work around some disability with eating during the event. Just trying to think of things I can consume that, well, I can consume but also provide the calories and nutrients I’ll need for the day.

The new one piece tri suits have front top zippers which allow you to easily unzip and pull off the top portion for porta potty breaks. I think your biggest issue is that nutrition plan, however.I am worried about it as well. I am trying to work around some disability with eating during the event. Just trying to think of things I can consume that, well, I can consume but also provide the calories and nutrients I’ll need for the day.

Have you tried something like Tailwind? It’s easy to mix and carry, gentle on the stomach, and tastes a lot better than most gels.

Great champions like Chrissie Wellington and Mirinda Carfrae raced in tri tops and shorts. Haley Chura wears a tri suit but on the run tucks the sleeved bodice into the shorts portion so she can have just the run bra up top. Try a few different things, and know that whichever option you choose, there will be plenty of others wearing the same thing.

I’ve tried several different options. I like the tri suit because it feels cooler with the fabric stretched over your torso and hips than shorts and a tri top. It’s a bit slower for restroom stops than top and shorts, but not terribly. You can pull the top down to your waist as you head for a restroom, and then pull it back up after you leave. The biggest ick issue is keeping the sleeves from getting in any porta potty mess.

That said, and I’m not super-fast, I’ve come to prefer swimming in tri shorts and bra, putting on a road bike jersey for the bike, and then putting on a tank top for the run so I can have my arms and shoulders out during the marathon. And then a throw-down long sleeve t-shirt in the special needs bag in case it’s a cold night.

Good luck at Arizona!

The new one piece tri suits have front top zippers which allow you to easily unzip and pull off the top portion for porta potty breaks. I think your biggest issue is that nutrition plan, however.I am worried about it as well. I am trying to work around some disability with eating during the event. Just trying to think of things I can consume that, well, I can consume but also provide the calories and nutrients I’ll need for the day.

Have you tried something like Tailwind? It’s easy to mix and carry, gentle on the stomach, and tastes a lot better than most gels.First I’ve heard of this.

My problem is not so much digestion as swallowing. History of throat cancer and subsequent radiation has placed significant restrictions on what and how I eat.

Great champions like Chrissie Wellington and Mirinda Carfrae raced in tri tops and shorts. Haley Chura wears a tri suit but on the run tucks the sleeved bodice into the shorts portion so she can have just the run bra up top. Try a few different things, and know that whichever option you choose, there will be plenty of others wearing the same thing.

I’ve tried several different options. I like the tri suit because it feels cooler with the fabric stretched over your torso and hips than shorts and a tri top. It’s a bit slower for restroom stops than top and shorts, but not terribly. You can pull the top down to your waist as you head for a restroom, and then pull it back up after you leave. The biggest ick issue is keeping the sleeves from getting in any porta potty mess.

That said, and I’m not super-fast, I’ve come to prefer swimming in tri shorts and bra, putting on a road bike jersey for the bike, and then putting on a tank top for the run so I can have my arms and shoulders out during the marathon. And then a throw-down long sleeve t-shirt in the special needs bag in case it’s a cold night.

Good luck at Arizona!Thanks for the input. I think I will do some experimenting this summer. I have yet to ride a full century. The longest I’ve ridden so far was 68 miles, which was two laps of a 34 mile route. That gave me the opportunity to break for bathroom and hydration at the mid point, plus I really wasn’t riding for time at that point.

I’m leaning strongly towards a top and shorts for IM, and just saving the trisuits for shorter events. I’m not even close to competitive, my goal is simply a <17 hour finish. All I’m saying is if you’re mentioning names people know, they’re in a whole different league than me!

Cicling back on the nutrition. I know there are a lot of options out there. I am partial to a relatively new company called Neversecond, The system is modular in that you could use three scoops of their C30 drink mix and that will ge you 90 grams of carbs. Their C30 has a light flavor profile. They also have a C90 option that you could use. Their gels are equally good. They are more like a thick liquid as opposed to a paste like other gels. They have a pretty good assortment of flavors and have a few caffeinated flavors as well. This might be a good option for you given that you have some restrictions on foods you can eat. At the end of the day, you have to find what works for you! I would start experimenting now.

Be quite a time suck to break out the Vitamix and make a fruit smoothie during the run.

I did my first IM last year at Maryland. I also had concerns about trisuit issues, so I went with comfort. I’m MOP and my main goal was to finish and have fun.
I wore the same aero tri top for all 3 legs of the race.
Swim: swim bottoms for swim+ aero tri top + wetsuit
in T1 I changed out of swim bottoms into regular bike shorts
T2, changed out of bike shorts into running shorts.

You could certainly do just a 2 piece tri kit! I really liked the mental shift of changing shorts and socks each transition. It got me in the zone!

Best of luck in AZ :slight_smile:

Cicling back on the nutrition. I know there are a lot of options out there. I am partial to a relatively new company called Neversecond, The system is modular in that you could use three scoops of their C30 drink mix and that will ge you 90 grams of carbs. Their C30 has a light flavor profile. They also have a C90 option that you could use. Their gels are equally good. They are more like a thick liquid as opposed to a paste like other gels. They have a pretty good assortment of flavors and have a few caffeinated flavors as well. This might be a good option for you given that you have some restrictions on foods you can eat. At the end of the day, you have to find what works for you! I would start experimenting now.Thanks. I will check out.

I did my first IM last year at Maryland. I also had concerns about trisuit issues, so I went with comfort. I’m MOP and my main goal was to finish and have fun.
I wore the same aero tri top for all 3 legs of the race.
Swim: swim bottoms for swim+ aero tri top + wetsuit
in T1 I changed out of swim bottoms into regular bike shorts
T2, changed out of bike shorts into running shorts.

You could certainly do just a 2 piece tri kit! I really liked the mental shift of changing shorts and socks each transition. It got me in the zone!

Best of luck in AZ :)Good to know. I think that’s the way I’m leaning. I don’t really want to have to change shorts between T1 and T2 but I have yet to find a saddle I can be on for more than 50 miles without getting numbness and/or pain in the perineal area.

Put a fresh pair of socks. Something for blisters. Favorite running snack. Baby powder in run special needs.

Remember if you don’t use it it is gone. Be prepared to throw it all away.

Sometimes a fresh pair of socks is a mental game changer in an IM. Especially if you plan on being out there 17 hours.

And if you have problems swallowing I’d take all liquid nutrition. I do now, can’t imagine trying Whole Foods.

Hello Vegasjen,

We make a long distance women’s trisuit that has a zippered flap to allow you to have “relief” without having to completely disrobe. We have been making it for over 6 years without a single failure. You can see it here:

The only thing I hate is the name, but my female design team gets a kick out of it and we have some pretty solid reviews on the product page.

Combine this suit with the saddle seat pad that fits your saddle, and you will be comfy for an entire day.


Hello Vegasjen,

We make a long distance women’s trisuit that has a zippered flap to allow you to have “relief” without having to completely disrobe. We have been making it for over 6 years without a single failure. You can see it here:…-poo-riviera-flisuit

The only thing I hate is the name, but my female design team gets a kick out of it and we have some pretty solid reviews on the product page.

Combine this suit with the saddle seat pad that fits your saddle, and you will be comfy for an entire day.HAHAHAHA! I like the name too!

Little bit pricey but I might splurge since this is pretty much a once-in-a-lifetime thing.