Hi does anybody have a recommandation on a tri short for long distances that has a pad or chamios. The fleece insert is not working well for me on long rides.
My favorite is Oomph! tri shorts with their distance pad.
Many like DeSoto 400 mile shorts.
I’ve done IM and HIMs in both.
I did a 70.3 and 140.6 in the Kiwami Konami this year. I found my issues weren’t due to the padding in shorts/suits, but chaffing from it. I had no issues with my suit. In fact, I had no chaffing in the 140.6 anywhere.
I have a few pair of big bulky bike shorts and they just don’t cut it anymore.
DeSoto has a new Forza Riviera Tri bib short with the float pad.
I have not raced in it, but have used on 3 and 4 hour rides and it is comfortable. I have raced in the ITU suit which is the same pad and have zero complaints…but that’s true for me and all DeSoto items.
Desoto Riviera and BlueSeventy Distance shorts or suit.
Desoto Forza Riviera (has a mini, cycling-style chamois).
I use the Desoto Forza with the “invisipad.” It’s fleece, but slides enough that it’s quite comfortable for long distances.
Sugoi. Pad is cut down quite a bit. It probably works for some people and not others.
+1 for Oomph! just incredible
2XU endurance or aero shorts … both the best I have tried …
Desoto ITU pad and Oomph are great, I prefer the desoto b\c it is a bit thinner to run in.
Another vote for the Forza Riviera…worked great for me at CdA.
Desoto Forza Riviera if you don’t want to change at all
Desoto 400 mile for swim/bike if you are going to do a quick change into something else to run in (some people also run in them comfortably). Materials are swim compatible ad they are legit bike shorts as well.
+2 on the Riviera and it now comes in a bib short as well as a standard short.
Long distance training rides = DeSoto 400 Mile Bibs
Long Distance racing (70.3+) = DeSoto Forza Riviera
Desoto Forza Riviera if you don’t want to change at all
Desoto 400 mile for swim/bike if you are going to do a quick change into something else to run in (some people also run in them comfortably). Materials are swim compatible ad they are legit bike shorts as well.
+3 Desoto all the way.