Tri Magazines that Publish Articles Submitted by Triathletes?

Are there tri/multipsort magazines or publications out there (both online/webiste or hard copy) that allow triathletes freelance writers to submit their writings, articles, or editorials for possible publication?

My question refers to online/website magazines that do not have blogs or forums on their site.

Any small regional type magazine probably will. In fact, they’re usually looking for writers.

The “major” mags might or might not. They usually have enough staffers and regular free lancers already. Also they want known personalities to write articles as it lends a supposed aura of credibility to have a pro or ex pro writing.

If you have a very good idea I’d approach the editor and try and sell yourself and the idea to them. This is often a better approach than just sending them an article cold. Also the editor may then give you some insight into exactly what the magazine is looking for. If you’re a newbie at this don’t expect a lot of financial compensation. In fact you may have to do your first article or two for free in order to get exposure. However, some magazines will have a standard fee based upon the number of words. Most magazines don’t pay part time freelancers that much, so don’t quit your day job.

Also don’t be surprised if your article gets “edited” somewhat. Things may be changed or whole sentences left out if they have space considerations.

BTW, does it sound like I’ve done this sort of thing before? Not with tri mags, but i’ve been published in classic automobile and scuba mags, an have just described my experiences.

I have been published by Triathlon Magazine Canada several times. I have been doing profile pieces and puff pieces.

I think they want credentials for any type of training/injury column.

B does regularly.

I’ve had a few/several articles published in Inside Tri. The first one was the hardest to get, after the initial cherry pop they seem to take them more readily. Also, the XTRI online mag takes submissions. I don’t know if they pay but its a start.

I am the editor of TriHive, a Utah-based multisport mag. We’re just wrapping up our first season of print. If anyone ever has in itch to write and would like to be read by 4,000 triathletes in Utah/Mt. West area, shoot me an email at

We had a few open spaces our first year that we scrabled to fill. You never know if you’ll make it in unless you submit.

By the way, we offer a free subscription. Go to, click on the star on the homepage and fill out the form.

Alex Mckinley
Managing Editor