Tri Gear in NYC

Heading to NYC later this week. As a west coast Canuck I love picking up something “new and different” for my tri habit - maybe a cycle jersey or something. Anyhow any recommendations of shops I should check out? Plus… anything you recommend I do while I’m there? I’ve been twice already but always looking for more things to check out. K

If you get the chance head about 90 minutes north of the city to the Gunks, just outside of New Paltz. A world class rock climbing destination and has a amazing set of old carriage roads and trails that are great to do some running on.
Views are amazing and I would recommend running out to skytop (from trapps parking 7 mile round trip)and the memorial tower there. Its also a nice run out and over the millbrook cliffs.

Or take a climbing lesson from one of the guide services.

There is only good tri store in NYC…SBR Multisports on 58th street and 7th Avenue.

Go to R&A Cycles in Brooklyn- whatever you want, they have it-

Beautiful area.

Thanks for all the tips. :slight_smile:

If you do end up going to Brooklyn (which I highly recommend BTW) you should also check out Jackrabbit Sports. Fantastic staff and great place to get running shoes, etc.

Enjoy your visit to the Big Apple!


Thanks sounds like a great store.

Good to hear, I’m heading there in a few weeks to get a years supply of shoes while I’m in the US.