ever dream about a race or training or similar?
i had what ranks as one of my strangest dreams last night…let alone race related dream.
my bike and gear was stolen from my hotel room and i was rushing around the city looking for stuff to wear and use at this really important race, which one it was i have no idea. i was able to cobble together enough to start the race. it was frantic. woke up just as we went in the water.
ever get anything like that?
any psy types want to analyze?
"ever dream about a race or training or similar? "
Only once. During last year’s TDF I actually dreamed that I was pulling Lance up the hill so he could hold off Beloki’s attacks.
Now that really was a dream. 
I have this dream once or twice a year – I have a great swim only to find that I forgot to set up T1 – and some of the stuff is in my car and I can’t find other stuff. I’m upset as the race goes by me. (I guess I watched Jurgen yell “Helmet” too many times)
After the MS Bike Tour, 3 hours each way for 6 total and my longest bike ride to date, I was on the road every time I closed my eyes, let alone fall asleep.
Much the same thing happened when I used to ski quite heavily in my youth, I imagine as I get more into Triathlons I’ll be doing entire races on the backs of my eyelids.