Tri bike missing seat post clamp

Hi everyone, hoping to get some help or suggestions!

My current tri bike is a 2010 Quintana Roo Seduza. After flying home from IM Wisconsin, the seat post clamp for my bike went missing either during inspection by security or when being transported to/from the plane (all the contents were removed / rearranged in the bike case by security and since the case wasn’t closed properly the part could have fallen out). I contacted QR, however the piece is discontinued (as is the bike) and they do not have any in stock. I also contacted all the bike shops listed on the QR website in the USA + Canada to see if they have the part, however no one has it.

I’m looking for suggestions on how to make the tri bike usable for an indoor trainer setup, so I can at least keep training while looking for a new bike or if someone happens to know of where a seat post clamp might be available. The picture shows the missing seat post clamp.


KM - seat circled.jpg
KM - seat circled.jpg

You could epoxy the post in place (measure twice, glue once). Should be usable for trainer and outdoors, but you couldn’t fit it in a bike box anymore. Note, this also means that you need to keep the existing saddle, since a new saddle will have a different rail-to-top measurement.

Thanks for the suggestion! That would be a very permanent solution, but it would likely hold well.
I tried a hose clamp over some foam to secure the seat post in place, however it slipped down during an hour on the trainer.

There actually used to be a couple of these floating around amid all the spare parts down at Dan/Slowman’s shop. You might try sending him a PM asking him to take a look. I’d be glad to do so next time I’m down there, but that won’t be until November.

Thanks! I’ll PM him to see if he can check the spare parts.