anyone have any ideas for clip on tri bars that would fit on a flat wide aero handlebar?
Which handlebar specifically?
My 3T clipons will fit on my 3T Aeronova bars and Bontrager Race Lite aero bars. Both of those bars have flat tops, but there is enough room to mount most clip ons.
The 3T clip ons are much more narrow than the profile design bars i have. Even as narrow as the clamps are, i don’t think they’d fit on a lot of flat-top aero drop bars.
There are many manufacturers of handlebars that make matching aerobars, Vision, Giant and Profile just of the top of my head. But if you want them to clamp on to the flat area of the bars you have to buy them as a system.
There are typically two types of solutions:
The bar has a wide enough round clamping section that you can mount clipons (note: if it’s a carbon bar, it also needs to be rated for clipons so it isn’t at risk of breaking).
The bar comes with the ability to mount specifically-designed clipons that are made for that particular bar (ex. the ENVE solution posted above).
There really isn’t a universal mount clipon for aero sections (given that they are all different). Back in the 90s there were some solutions that bolted to stems…but stems were solid aluminum then, and could be clamped onto without structural issues.