The full is 2x the half course but I’m curious to know, from those who did both, if there were many differences with the whole show. Was the infrastructure and other features (race support etc) the same or did they bring out a lot more flash for the IM?
I’m curious as well.
I did the full, spectated at the half. From what I saw, the set-up was the same - course, expo, etc. There were alot of fireworks at the full - Friday PM, midnight to end the race, etc. The half got a show by the Snowbirds; at the full, they tried to hype up that C-18s would fly overhead, but then 1 lone plane flew over - I found it anti-climactic, truthfully.
I would say it was the same - course, layout, aid stations, etc - the half allowed for a dry run for the full…
Yeah, I did both. I’d say overall it was the same. Only diff for the full is the welcome dinner, awards dinner and a nice backpack vs a tote bag. The 70.3 had the Snowbirds which was superior to the F-18, but hey, that’s really not even part of the race.
Yes, Dev summed it up pretty well. They were both incredibly awesome events that we are so lucky to have so close to us in Ottawa. Much as ppl on ST like to criticize WTC, they are amazing at mobilizing community support and volunteers which is what makes these events so great.