Travel plans for the Eclipse

Thought it might be interesting to see what everyone is doing… and I mean the eclipse in a few weeks, not the big party in N.Z. in a few years.

So Sunday (early) we head down to Franklin IN, South of indy. staying 2 nights, then driving back Tuesday (hopefully traffic has returned to normal)both down and back plan on taking main roads, I think I am being naive, that traffic wont be bad either day.

A friend is headed home to Buffalo, deciding if he goes Sunday or Saturday, I think he returns Tue also.


Traveling to Eagle Pass, staying with some friends.

I had a plan to go to Belleville, Ontario but decided that I really don’t want to deal with the traffic and my kids in the traffic.

I’ll see 99.5% or whatever it is from home.

Headed to Fort Worth. Family reunion is planned and converging on my folks’ place that weekend. May actually drive home Monday, but would likely be driving during the eclipse. I should plan to leave to put me in Hillsboro, which looks to be a prime spot and get me home by dinner.

I’m housesitting for my aunt. I’m in Maine, which I think is supposed to get lots of good viewing - though I’ll be far away from the spot EVERYONE is going.

I’m stepping out my front door. We’re in the 100% zone.

We are expecting well over 1 million visitors to the area (Austin and West of town).

The local power company is worried about extra stress on the grid.
Mayors have declared a state of emergency. We’ve been warned to stock up on gas and groceries to avoid shortages.
In other words, react like we do when there is a threat of ice. I hope noone needs toilet paper, bottled water, or milk.

I’m housesitting for my aunt. I’m in Maine, which I think is supposed to get lots of good viewing - though I’ll be far away from the spot EVERYONE is going.

Not really sure why you would want to be where everyone is… I think a nice meadow in the woods would be awesome to experience, and the animals freaking out. As long as your north of bangor you should be in the path. Lots of Maine is getting to see it.

I’m stepping out my front door. We’re in the 100% zone.

We are expecting well over 1 million visitors to the area (Austin and West of town).

The local power company is worried about extra stress on the grid.
Mayors have declared a state of emergency. We’ve been warned to stock up on gas and groceries to avoid shortages.
In other words, react like we do when there is a threat of ice. I hope noone needs toilet paper, bottled water, or milk.

Supposedly there’s an outdoor concert down at auditorium shores during the eclipse, which sounds cool. But no way in hell I’m getting in car and driving into town that day.

Will just step outside front door like you to see the 100% eclipse.


It’s Vampire Weekend. Local radio station was promoting it.

Is it worth going somewhere with a 96% vs 90% eclipse? Our house in upstate PA will get 96% vs 90% in Philly. Or do you need the total for any real difference. I saw a 90% when in Vegas a couple of years ago.

Is it worth going somewhere with a 96% vs 90% eclipse? Our house in upstate PA will get 96% vs 90% in Philly. Or do you need the total for any real difference. I saw a 90% when in Vegas a couple of years ago.

I got suckered into doing this because allegedly the 95% in Chicago pales in comparison to a total eclipse

Some of the fam planning a trip to Poplar Bluff, MO.

It’s Vampire Weekend. Local radio station was promoting it.

Ooo, I like them. I guess I could take the rail to downtown.

Flying LAX to AUS and driving out to the Hill Country. Hoping for clear skies.

Flew to OR for 2017 and it was awesome.

I had a plan to go to Belleville, Ontario but decided that I really don’t want to deal with the traffic and my kids in the traffic.

I’ll see 99.5% or whatever it is from home.

Ooof, so close… I know traffic is awful. 99.5% is still like a sunny day, light is just a little weird. 100% doesn’t just get darker, you see the corona of the sun which is mind blowingly cool. 99% is like flying a plane. 100% is like jumping out of it. Two totally different experiences

Is it worth going somewhere with a 96% vs 90% eclipse? Our house in upstate PA will get 96% vs 90% in Philly. Or do you need the total for any real difference. I saw a 90% when in Vegas a couple of years ago.


I live in the path but watching the forecast. If it is bad I may leave the night before and drive to clear skies. After seeing 2017 I will drive all day to see another

My parent’s camp in northern NH is in the Path (~3:30), so headed there. I have thoughts of hiking Table Rock to watch it, but I dunno: I imagine that’ll be packed.

Will need to also post ‘No Parking’ signs along the field. Have heard they are expecting 30k visitors. That will literally double the population of Coos County (where totality will occur in NH). Should be a giant shit-show…

Can’t wait to actually see it, though! Hopefully we have clear skies!

  • Jeff

I think the whole dam country is going somewhere along that line for this thing, it is crazy. About 3 weeks ago I thought I would look at tickets to Texas, San Antonio area. They were triple the price of normal. Then I thought I could drive the RV to a remote spot around there, maybe get a hotel for a couple nites. Every hotel is booked solid, and if not the rooms are priced for the 1%. I couldn’t get a shitty RV spot in the middle of no where either.

So it dawned on me that if every single spot along that line and around it was this crowded, then perhaps the trip just wouldn’t be worth it. Will just take the kids outside here, should be deserted I suppose with everyone leaving, and just get what we get and call it good until the next one…