Trandender p*rn, peeping Tom and owning slaves OH MY!

Apparently CNN is set to publish a story on NC lt governor Mark Robinson with some wild claims.

It’s so bad that even Team Trump has asked him to not appear at his NC rally.

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson wrote in online forums that he liked transgender ■■■■■ peeped inside women’s locker rooms and wanted to own slaves, a source familiar with the matter told Anderson Alerts .

CNN on Thursday afternoon confirmed the source’s account, along with supporting evidence and screenshots. The reporter for CNN who published the story Thursday afternoon didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Mark Robinson, NC GOP nominee for governor, called himself a ‘black NAZI!,’ supported slavery in past comments made on ■■■■ forum | CNN Politics

If he withdraws and the GOP puts up another candidate, will the maga republican complain that it is unfair because the new candidate didn’t win any primaries?

That being said. I am not ruling out the possibility that someone hacked his computer and posted some of those things. I’m also not ruling out the possibility that it was him since we’ve seen too many of these “family value” politicians fall.

Don’t know if a hack is possible, but the motivation to use his identity is unclear, since the posts predate his entry into politics (per CNN).

Thanks. I missed that.

He’s wishing his cell phone would explode in his pants right about now. JFC how do you square trandender p*rn with family values?


This is so typical.

Repubs make all kinds of public “family values” aligned statements. And they want to ban every possible children’s book that does not align in lock step with their fake and repressive values.

But, in actuality behind the scenes, whether IRL or online or both, these same repubs are doing some of the craziest and perviest sh*t ever. Hypocrisy to the nth degree.

When even Team Trump wants nothing to do with you… you done fucked up.

If he withdraws and is replaced I am sure all the righties that cried COUP!!! When Biden dropped out will do the same this time around.

Righties are nothing if not consistent.

Why would he withdraw? Slave-loving Nazi p*rn addicts make up a major part of the Republican base.

Just thinking out loud. I wonder who obtained and released this information. I think I read that he was 10 points behind the Democrat, so his opponent probably wouldn’t want him to be forced out of the race.

It sounds like it was all done by CNN.

A few weeks ago a story came out about him visiting adult stores in Greensboro in the early 2000s. As the story went, he would come in around dinner time and watch videos in one of the rooms and occasionally buy pizza for the folks that work there. It was one of the store employees that was dealing the dirt to the press.

I wonder if CNN saw that story and then decided to just start digging. If you read the CNN story, you’ll see that the moniker he posted under on the site, he used elsewhere, too. He consistently used that moniker across the internet. So they find a few instances and then just start pulling at threads.


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So if the transgendered p*rn wasn’t there do you think the reaction would have been different?

Nick Fuentes went to dinner with trump, so I’m going to say trump would still be cool with him.

trump: “We have to cherish Mark Robinson. You have to cherish him. He’s like a fine wine. He’s an outstanding person. I’ve gotten to know him so well”

If the online forum he belonged to prohibited certain topics this wouldn’t be an issue!

Ok sorry couldn’t help myself.



Trans ■■■■ is also big with the MAGA crowd.
Data Finds Republicans are Obsessed with Searching for Transgender ■■■■ -

This is the same guy Trump called “MLK Jr on steroids” if I’m not mistaken.

Only the best people.

Well MLK Jr had a few posts on p0rn websites but nothing like Robinson.

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