Training Peaks?

Hi guys, anybody have some insight into what’s going on over there? I’ve been a long term user. It seems like their servers are much slower and I even get kicked off their portal at times. Just curious if others are having these troubles. I did get an email a few weeks ago stating they were having some trouble, but it was a little vague.


It is down right now, I cannot log on. If Zwift has too many developers, TP has too few.

Broken for me as well. Ugh.

Website won’t sign in, and the iOS app just hangs on the starting screen.

From TP on Twitter:

We’re currently experiencing some technical difficulties with our web and mobile app. We are aware and actively working on it. We will post here when we are back up and running.

I’ve found the app buggy as of late , too

It randomly crashes for me and I now have to tap multiple times in each chart for it to “react” to my touch

It historically has been 100% perfect for me

What’s the biggest competitor/threat for training peaks?

If/when the TP crowd needs/wants an alternative, where would they go? Apologies if out of scope for this thread, just curious.

Android or Apple?

I ask as (touch wood) the Android been fine for me on two separate phones (work and personal), one being an old S21, the other an s23. So may be worth an uninstall/reinstall.

What’s the biggest competitor/threat for training peaks?

If/when the TP crowd needs/wants an alternative, where would they go? Apologies if out of scope for this thread, just curious.

I tried TP a few weeks ago. Ended up getting a refund, it wouldn’t sync my stuff from Garmin, and often when I tired to add activities importing the files it would tell me they exist.

As an alternative I’ve used golden cheetah the last couple of weeks.

Same charts (actually more charts) and no issues.

The only slight issue I had was getting my Garmin history in, but a quick bit of JavaScript enabled automatic export of all activities from Garmin.

The only downside I see is no mobile app.

Let’s not kid ourselves, TP basically only exists as a tool to communicate with your coach. If I were self coached, I would not waste my money.

Analysis tools are weak sauce at best compared to, well almost anything else out there: Golden Cheetah (free), Garmin (free), Strava, TrainerRoad, Xert,, etc.

TP seems to be stuck in 2010 with few added features (the only real improvement is the workout builder which is basically a copy of the Garmin version). No incentive for management to add features as long as coaches and athletes feel like they are locked into the platform for communication.

What’s the biggest competitor/threat for training peaks?

If/when the TP crowd needs/wants an alternative, where would they go? Apologies if out of scope for this thread, just curious.

Biggest threat is anyone who can come up with a decent UI, add in some better analytics, make a good looking platform, maybe add a social component to it and most of all make it easy for the end user and coaches who coach many athletes.

The analytics are deep enough for the average person but not for most coaches or for a deep dive into the why behind one’s power. IIRC TP said that only around 20-25% of it’s user base also uses something like WKO 5. That’s, imo, not really an incentive for TP to add a bunch of wko functionality to it. (I mean are they even putting any resources behind wko5 anymore?)

Biggest drawback is Training Peaks, or as I refer to it to my athletes, TP (pun intended? You be the judge) is pretty well established and has a lot of traction. Athletes know it. It’s fairly simple to write workouts, which some other platforms struggled with. The cost to overcome that entrenchment is going to be pretty high. It’s kinda like duathlon. If you want to put on a duathlon you’ll probably need to spend $3-5 more per participant for marketing than if you put on a triathlon and that’s every year for 3-5 years to get established and a large enough paying user base.

I dislike TP, but every other year or so I do a deep dive into what’s out there, the costs from my end etc and TP typically checks more boxes than competitors plus my athletes are familiar with it.

Final Surge,,, (almost switched to this a few years ago but they couldn’t do bulk billing then) are all competitors. I’m sure there are others I can’t think of currently.

Let’s not kid ourselves, TP basically only exists as a tool to communicate with your coach. If I were self coached, I would not waste my money.

Analysis tools are weak sauce at best compared to, well almost anything else out there: Golden Cheetah (free), Garmin (free), Strava, TrainerRoad, Xert,, etc.

TP seems to be stuck in 2010 with few added features (the only real improvement is the workout builder which is basically a copy of the Garmin version). No incentive for management to add features as long as coaches and athletes feel like they are locked into the platform for communication.

If you are a premium member, you can create a shared folder and share workouts with other members.

Me and my friends at the track do it all the time.

On Tuesday, 2 partners grabbed my :45/:45 workout so we would all be synced together on the intervals.
1 of them was on Garmin and the other was on Wahoo. They both had the workout loaded on their computers within a minute.

What’s the biggest competitor/threat for training peaks?

If/when the TP crowd needs/wants an alternative, where would they go? Apologies if out of scope for this thread, just curious.

We’re now moving into this space at and hired the lead front end at Today’s Plan. This is a really important thread for us as and I’ll continue looping back to check on comments made (if any) as we are literally in the fun creative place with a fairly clear canvas. We have a super team of scientists, coaches and developers that want to build something special to compete. We have the backbone of the AI built with a successful athlete version (see thread on ST) but now its time to create the coach version to TP standards and better with the added layer of AI planning automation and adaptive adjustment. Very keen to hear the must haves for coaches/athletes for the future… your comments built Athletica athlete version and would love to do the same for coach version. Thank you.

Let’s not kid ourselves, TP basically only exists as a tool to communicate with your coach. If I were self coached, I would not waste my money.

Analysis tools are weak sauce at best compared to, well almost anything else out there: Golden Cheetah (free), Garmin (free), Strava, TrainerRoad, Xert,, etc.

TP seems to be stuck in 2010 with few added features (the only real improvement is the workout builder which is basically a copy of the Garmin version). No incentive for management to add features as long as coaches and athletes feel like they are locked into the platform for communication.

I disagree with most of that…except that…

TP is ripe for competition. but many have tried, most have failed, none have succeeded. As dd rightly points out it is highly entrenched in a very small market…but, requires heavy investment to get over the hump.


Strava has no valid analytics.
Garmin analytics are not comparable to tp.
Golden cheetah is good.
Today’s plan was the closest, but has now been shuttered. The ui was even more horrendous than tp…classic engineer first ux.

Only golden cheetah has well defined analytics. Everyone else has black box, trust me bro tools that have no scientific backing or justification. That includes Garmin and their First beat crap. I know how tp works, I know it’s scientific basis and history, and I can replicate it in a spreadsheet if I so choose. I also know it’s limitations. These things matter.

I’ve used TP for over 25 years, since it was There are lots of things that I hate about it. In the past I’ve met with the now departed Gear Fisher about capabilities and future directions. It was hugely telling to me when Gear left the company. I’ve submitted countless feature improvements and suggestions over the last 3 decades.

I’ve tried to jump ship from tp many times. As crap as it is, there isn’t anything else as good…Unless the standalone app experience of golden cheetah is your thing.

hired the lead front end at Today’s Plan

Good luck. Today’s plan ux was/is a horrible example of engineer first, data overload.

I say that as an engineer who likes to geek out on data.

We agree… we will aim to be the opposite. Only what matters. So that is my key question. What matters?

I agree that the First Beat stuff is not worth much, but here is my run workout from yesterday on TP:

And on Garmin Connect:

Lots of data that TP is just throwing away that I can turn into actionalble information. Clearly the owners of TP are sitting on a great cash cow, for now.

Personally, I use GC as I can add the analytics that I want to focus on and the “science” there is probably better than simplistic FTP protocols used by TP. If you want to communicate with your coach, TP is great, if you want analysis, not so much.

TP 2 21 24 workout.jpg
Garmin chart 1 2 21 24 workout.jpg
Garmin chart 2 2 21 24 workout.jpg

I think we would disagree strongly about what’s actionable from the GC metrics. Granted you didn’t define which ONES you consider actionable, but I don’t act on anything in GC that is excluded from TP.

I do own a garmin fenix6, Rd pod, foot pod, power meter, etc. So, I have the vast majority of the data you displayed. I don’t use any of it, and I would argue that is is specifically not actionable.

Stride length, vertical oscillation, and ground contact time seem important to me and do not appear to be voodoo. Combined with cadence (the only data stream shown in TP) it certainly helped me solve why I was slowing down in 2022 and helped to cure it. Of course YMMV.

run summary.jpg

Let’s not kid ourselves, TP basically only exists as a tool to communicate with your coach. If I were self coached, I would not waste my money.

Analysis tools are weak sauce at best compared to, well almost anything else out there: Golden Cheetah (free), Garmin (free), Strava, TrainerRoad, Xert,, etc.

TP seems to be stuck in 2010 with few added features (the only real improvement is the workout builder which is basically a copy of the Garmin version). No incentive for management to add features as long as coaches and athletes feel like they are locked into the platform for communication.

^^ Agree with this. All of it.