Training in San Francisco (1)

Hey everyone,

I’ll be in San Francisco the week the last week of May. I’m hoping to get some information for some good SBR training. Is there any OWS locations feasible at that time? What are some of the better pools to swim in? Where can I rent a bike? Are there any group rides or training groups based out of San Fran? All the information the better!


I live WAY east bay so I am never in the city, but Aquatic park ALWAYS has swimmers in it. Check with Sports Basement about bikes and things. People rave about their customer support. There is one in the presidio. If you like running hills in a city, the hills right behind girardelli (sic) square, which is right next to aquatic park, are super perfect to run. Golden Gate park always seems super nice to run. enjoy!


From the Aquatic Park you can run past Ft. Mason toward Crissy Field and pick up the Alcatraz run course. Parts of it were closed off for a while, but I think you can get all the way to Baker Beach if you want to. You could also run across the GGB, but if you do go early, it gets to be a nightmare of tourists on rental bikes. You can check with SERC and the Dolphin club for a day pass to use their showers and lockers while you swim at the AP. I think they alternate weeks on who takes in visitors. Presidio YMCA has a decent pool.

awesome keep it coming guys!

I agree Aquatic is the best for open water swimming. There is free parking on the vanness street side near ft. mason. you can also bring your bike or go for a awesome run to the Golden Gate bridge.

Yup +1 on Aquatic Park. Not sure about bike rental but as a triathlete you probably want to steer clear of Blazing Saddles, haha.

Whenever I travel I have used to find pools. Being from SF I can tell you that we have a decent, not great, selection of public pools for $5 a pop. Check here Schedules are usually not up to date and you will probably have to call for lap swim hours which are limited to a few per day.

Yup +1 on Aquatic Park. Not sure about bike rental but as a triathlete you probably want to steer clear of Blazing Saddles, haha.

Yeah, those Specialized Tarmacs they rent suck for triathletes. for all kinds of information.

aquatic park as everyone else stated. You may be able to get in on a drop in basis at USF for lap pool time. For rides, plenty of epic rides can start out of SF. Ride across the GG to hit up the classic Paradise Loop: google it for details. Not sure where to rent in the city. If you can manage to get down to Palo Alto, I can accompany you on some local rides depending on what days and my work schedule. I’ve got a bit of a bike problem so I can lend you one of mine to ride if you fit… PM me if you are interested. We have plenty of local group rides down here as well… For runs in the city, you can run in golden gate, run along the embarcadero, run chrissy fields, run land’s end. Those are great runs to do.

Google Goldent gate triathlon club and sf tri club…they may have people you can hook up with to train with or leads on rentals as well.

The North Beach Pool is only $5/visit but has odd hours. I used it a couple of weeks ago. It is about .5 miles from Pier 39.

Watch out for the group ride that leaves from GG Bridge…a serious hammer fest and they pick up fresh legs in every city North of the bridge. They leave you crispy and you still need to ride across the bridge and home. I had to lay down at a bench on the climb over the Legion of Honor. Bonk of the century.
Check out UCSF’s pool in the Potrero…outdoors, 3rd floor with a view of PacBell (or insert sponsor name here) park.
Don’t be afraid to go South and possibly rent a mountain bike for some great rides so close to a metro area.

Hey everyone,

I’ll be in San Francisco the week the last week of May. I’m hoping to get some information for some good SBR training. Is there any OWS locations feasible at that time? What are some of the better pools to swim in? Where can I rent a bike? Are there any group rides or training groups based out of San Fran? All the information the better!


Pacific Bikes rents bikes. They rent carbon Giants with decent components. I have sent people there many times over the years. You can also swim at the Embarcadero YMCA.