Training, glucose, and feeling like poop

On several occasions, the issue of postprandial hypoglycemia came up on the forum. I know I discussed it with Desert Dude on a few occasions.
Anyhow, those who suffer from this, this may be your answer:

So, no latte’s for those guys/ gals.

so ingesting a fair whack of caffeine gives ya falseys making you think your hypo…thats what im doing wrong ;)! i drink too much of the shit. As a diabetic, it often bumps my blood sugar up a touch sometimes. Other times if i shovel too much and get the jitters, its hard to associate wether the sweating/shakes is from too much Monster energy drink or i really am hypo :wink:

On several occasions, the issue of postprandial hypoglycemia came up on the forum. I know I discussed it with Desert Dude on a few occasions.
Anyhow, those who suffer from this, this may be your answer:

That is a pretty heavy dose of caffeine, about the same amount in 8-10 cans of soft drink. Although some people could get there with supplements or a BIG Starbucks. I wonder if this effect would hold up in an exercise condition. I hope this lab continues to follow this line of research. Thanks for posting.

I responded in another thread about my own issues last year.

Long story short, after trying all kinds of adjustments (diet, meal size, carb reduction, iron intake, regular blood testing)… In the end, eliminating caffeine 100% and replacing with simple water completely eliminated my issues.

I now drink decaf after a complete coffee withdrawal for 2-3 weeks. All is good!

Just sayin’…

