Training by Elevation Gain and the VK Challenge

Been focused on using elevation gain as a training metric so far this year (even though most of it is “virtual” on zwift with a tacx neo 2t trainer or the treadmill at the gym). I got the idea after seeing Sepp Kuss totaling something like 650,000 meters of elevation gain in 2023 on Strava (still can’t wrap my head around that figure, someone might need to fact check me on that). Also, after a couple years of being a Big Kahuna points accumulator, it seemed like I wasn’t getting enough quality doing too much “easy” z2 stuff just to get the points. SO its been a lot of uphill “work” this winter thus far, which led me to discovering the Vertical Kilometer (VK).

Studs like Kilian Jornet and Remi Bonnet have some wildly impressive videos on the youtubes ( traversing 1K vertical ascents in like 30 mins! So far this year, I’ve been testing myself every 2 weeks or so to see how many vertical meters I can ascend in an hour on a treadmill and did 583m the other day. It will be damn hard for me to break 600 meters in an hour, but probably doable. Crazy to realize these guys are basically doing 2000 VAM for 30 mins on foot! Has anyone here ever done an official VK challenge event? If so, how fast did you do 1000m of climbing?

It’s an awesome format. I’d love to see something like that in the Olympics as all of the other running events take place on flat (or as close to flat as possible for the marathon/walk) profiles. In Western Canada there are few events of similar format, but not quite the VK:
-“only” 700m of elevation gain. Still awesome.
-1000m of gain, but on flatter trails. Some of your energy will go towards covering distance vs climbing vertical meters.
-Mountain Running World Championships format, while the race finishes higher than the start and there might be 1000m of gain, there are some flatter and downhill sections of the course and the overall gradient of the course is lower, so you aren’t really pushing impressive vertical m/hr.

So I’ve been targeting a lot of strava segments instead.

If you want to rack up the vert on the indoor bike, I highly recommend Fulgaz - I did this a few winters ago by zooming in on the Pyrenees and Alps and climbing some Tour classics like the Tourmalet, Hautacam, etc. Found it more engaging than the Zwift climbs. Your climbing may vary, enjoy!