Training (11)

I just finished my first IM with 1:05, 6:15, 3:53 splits.
I trained and rode without powermeter/heart rate.

I want to improve, especially my bike leg, so I invested in a power meter and a connected trainer.

I now have to train smartly with it…

Do someone know the british cycling training plans ? It’s basically 3-4 rides a week. 2 sweetspots progressing to threshold and 1 long ride with tempo for the base. Or 1 sweetspot or threshold, 1 vo2 and 1 long ride with tempo for the time trial speciality.

I swim 3 times a week, often with a master group. I run 3-4 times a week, 1 tempo, 1 long run, 1 drills or hill sprints, 1 short brick (15min).

Do you think it could be a good option ? Maybe better to just do 1 intense ride per week, alternating sweetspot/threshold or vo2 on the bike depending of my testing ?

Thanks a lot

This maybe sounds like a lot of quality. Your swim looks solid. I would up the bike to at least 4-5 days/week. 2 harder sessions- 1 sweet spot/threshold (can mix in other paces but this should be the bulk of it), 1 long ride with quality in it. As far as running goes, I would make sure you’re not doing workouts fresh & that if you’re only doing 1 15:00 brick/week that you change that. 15:00 isn’t gonna teach you to run a marathon off of a 2.4 mile swim & 112 mile bike. I would do a short brick (extend to 30:00-40:00) after your weekly bike workout. I would make sure to swim, bike, or both, before your weekly run workout. & I would try some longer runs off of your longer rides. Up to an hour off of the 4-5 hours rides but then with a 2 hour long run the next day. Can do a shorter bike (2-3 hours) + 90-120 minute run. Those are sessions you’re doing 3-6 weeks out & are building towards.

thanks for your answer
I forgot to say my goals for the season will be mainly olys and 1-2 70.3, no other full

you still don’t recommend vo2 bike intervals ?