Trail shoe for Hawaii 70.3?

After having to bail on it a few years ago, I think i can finally get to the Hawaii 70.3 this year.
As I think my usual race shoes(Saucony Endorphin Elites) wouldn’t offer any grip on damp grass and the high stack height would probably result in me rolling my ankle at some point on the grass…I’m leaning towards my using my trail race shoes(Hoka Tecton X2), which would work well in the grass, but have a carbon plate and not overly aggressive tread, so probably wouldn’t slow me down too much on the paved sections. For those that have raced this course, are the Tectons a reasonable choice?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I raced in Alphaflys the first time but they were a little too spongy. The next few years I’ve raced in Metaspeed sky’s of various years. I was happy with those.

Don’t use a trail shoe. There’s enough concrete to make the race shoe worth it

Have raced Honu 70.3 a couple times…as @Lurker4 mentioned, no need for trail shoes. I raced both times in Hoka Machs…plenty of asphalt and concrete. Enjoy!

ok thanks @jhornebx & @Lurker4 for the feedback!