Tour, Tour, Tour

So we’ve got a little over 3 days left. Lets hear your final podium prediction. No sentimental picks, just who you think will be there. No either/or/ifs, no extra placings necessary. Pretend you’ve got 10k riding on your picks, 1-3.

Then, I’d like to hear your Dream Podium. Who would you like to see there?

I’m actually doing a little research here, so I’d really appreciate it if everyone chimed in over the next few days. I’d like to get at least 100 responses.

PM me with info if you’d rather.

Okay, I’ll bite …

1 - Lance

2 - Hamilton

3 - Mayo


1 - Lance

2 - Jan

3 - Mayo

  1. Lance

  2. Jan

  3. Tyler

That pretty much covers my “Dream Podium” as well.

safe bet: Lance Jan Tyler

dream: Lance Tyler Brad McGee

do you want my reasoning, or just the names?

My more or less WAG-

1- Hamilton
2- Ullrich
3- Armstrong

Dream: Armstrong, Hamilton, Heras

Don’t need the reasoning, but feel free to include it. Nothing too controversial, though - you know how this forum is. Say the wrong thing and this thread becomes about politics in a split second.

Let’s not turn it into a who’s doping/who’s not thread, either :wink:

Of course, you’ll participate in your own study, right?


If only one list is included, I’ll assume it’s your prediction and not a dream podium. Let me know if they are one and the same.

to refresh your memory:

safe bet: Lance Jan Tyler

dream: Lance Tyler Brad McGee

rationale: well, i’m not gonna go into too much detail - i think my picks are more or less self explanatory. what i will say, though, is that brad mcgee has done an amazing job turning himself into a gc contender. i hope he didn’t burn too many matches at the giro, because i think that he could consistently hold his own in the tour’s climbs enough to sneak on to the podium this year. and he’s no slacker in the old contre-la-montre, either. so i’m rooting for him because i think he’s earned it.




My hopes:

  1. Lance

  2. Tyler

  3. Jan

My guess:

  1. Jan

  2. Tyler

  3. Lance

  1. Lance

  2. Jan

  3. Mayo

Though I think Jan and t-mobile are a little bit unpredictable, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Mayo in #2.
My sentimental pick is Tyler, Lance and Heras on the podium.

  1. Lance

  2. Mayo

  3. Hamilton


1 Ullrich He let it go too late to be in the top 3, but I want lance to wait a year to get 6.

2 Pattachi Biggest nuts in the game.

3 Magnus Backstaedt After Robaix he deserves the tour too.

"My more or less WAG-

1- Hamilton
2- Ullrich
3- Armstrong

Dream: Armstrong, Hamilton, Heras"


Dream II. After winning. LA returns to triathlon and qualifies for and wins the 2005 Kona IM

Of course, you’ll participate in your own study, right?


He’s waiting for the rest of us to tell him what to think! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  1. Lance

  2. Tyler

  3. Jan

Tyler will be with in 2 minutes of Lance.



  1. Lance

  2. Jan

  3. Tyler

Mayo can’t hold the mustard (oops, bad condiment joke)


  1. Jan (taking over the lead in the last ITT)

  2. Lance

  3. Tyler


Alex, I’ll take 1. Lance, 2.Ulrich and 3. Heras for $1000 please.