Starting this Saturday! Who’s in? I’ll be there…or at least on my trainer in my basement suffering in this imaginary world!!!
Tour Schedule
Saturday, Jan 26thHell Hath No FurySunday, Jan 27thThe HuntedMonday, Jan 28th Extra Shot + Fight ClubTuesday, Jan 29thA Very Dark PlaceWednesday, Jan 30thAngelsThursday, Jan 31stThe Wretched + The Long ScreamFriday, Feb 1stThe Downward SpiralSaturday, Feb 2ndThere is No Try + RevolverSunday, Feb 3rdLocal Hero
im in but not sure ill make it past monday I have a 10k race sunday morning too haha
Well, you only need to have one workout done by then on Saturday. It will get you warmed up!! By the looks of this, the completion rate may be pretty low! It certainly won’t be easy…essentially doing 9 days in a row of essentially interval based training on the bike.
Also in for the tour. Will need to start 2 days late, so will need to double up a few days to finish on time. I fully intend to catch up by the end, though.
I’ve signed up… we’ll see how it goes. I’ve done all of the Sufferfest rides on TR, but 3 days in a row is my PR so far. Cool sounding challenge, at least.
I’m in, as well as my husband. I’ve also “converted” a few riders and they are doing the Tour as well! Should be good training for my 7 stage, 800km ride later this year!
Do you use these with your computrainer? Or were you saying you use your CT instead? If so the former, how does that work? (forgive me, if this is a dumb question… I own a CT, but have not seen these videos before). They look to be tailored for basic indoor trainers to spice that up…not work with a CT? But maybe I’m missing something.