Torn hip labrum (1)

Just got my mri results, meeting with the doctor next week. Looking to see if any slowtwitchers have had a similar experience and what recovery looked like?

MRI states: Complex tear involving the anterior superior and superior labrum, with components traversing the substance as well as the base from the chondrolabral to the osseolabral junction. There is a para labral ganglion cyst adjacent to the superior labrum.

I appreciate your thoughts!

I just had surgery to repair a torn labrum and cam impingement (3 weeks post op). Also had surgery back in 2015 on my other side for the same thing. The labrum won’t heal on its own (it’s cartilage). Do you have an impingement as well (usually that’s what causes the tear)? You can be symptom free with a torn labrum (many people have tears and don’t even know it).

Here’s my suggestions in working order:

  • strengthen your posterior chain and core (glutes, hamstrings, etc). Your doc will probably recommend PT before anything else
  • NSAID’s - some people claim good success but I didn’t personally have any relief with NSAID’s
  • injection - this may help reduce inflammation in the hip but it’s primarily used as a diagnosis and a pre requisite for surgery
  • surgery - this is a last resort after everything else fails. Many people can avoid surgery if they stay on top of their core and lower body strength. If you pursue surgery, find an ortho that specializes in this surgery and has done it a thousand times. I ended up traveling to NYC to get my surgery as I wanted the best doc.

There’s a bunch of threads on here over the years about this as well.

Happy to answer any questions you may have.

First of all, I would take the advice of whatever your doctor suggests for your situation. That being said, both my labrums are torn, but I have hip dysplasia so fixing the labrums would have done nothing in the long run (they would tear again). I got an injection of Cingal and religiously do my strength work. 2 months post injection I finally started having days where I did not have any pain. I have modified some activities (for example, limiting time spent in my aero bars, a standing desk for work). Most days I am pain-free, and the pain that does come and go is most likely due to the dysplasia and not the labrums. As said above, surgery should be a last resort (but also listen to your doctor!). All the best!

Treatment is primarily dictated by the level of symptoms and degree of dysfunction.
Presumably you went for a MRI because of symptoms.
If you’re able to walk/run/swim/bike, but with minimal pain, then physiotherapy and medications as needed would suffice.
If the degree of dysfunction is more than that, and your activities are impaired, injections and/or surgical intervention may be required.
Stepwise approaches from the above are best, dictated by your level of impairment.
Hope that helps.

Should clarify, you’re referring to your hip, not your shoulder right? Both could have labral tears.

I’m very sorry.
I assume you’re having pain?

May of this year I did IM Tulsa with what in retrospect was a torn labrum. Several weeks followed of excruciating cramping and pain at work, unable to bike or run. I did PT and dry needling thinking it was just the ol’ asymmetries and over use. This didn’t do much aside from strengthen my core, but no marked change. By mid July it was apparent that not only was something wrong, but that I wasn’t going to be able to train for Nice, which was a real bummmer. So, in August I got an MRI arthrogram with local, which showed torn labrum, chondromalacia, pincer and cam lesions. September got the cam and pincer resected, and 5 anchors to fix the torn labrum.

Post op I was on crutches for 5 weeks, returned to work at 6 weeks (I walk and stand a lot and was recommended to take 6 weeks off I could). I was 2 crutches for 4 weeks, then down to 1 crutch for a week or two.

I’m currently about 11 weeks post-op, and able to walk without pain. I just got cleared to ride gentle trainer last week, and got cleared to swim a few weeks previous. I was on the fitness bike at the gym post-op day 5, doing *very *gentle range of motion. My PT routine takes about 45 minutes a day, and I see the PT weekly for changes to the regime. I may get cleared to start running again in 4-5 weeks (14 weeks post op). This is an operation you want to make sure that the orthopedist does A LOT of, it’s not something to have done by someone dabbling in arthroscopic hip surgery.

As far as fitness goes, my core has never been stronger, I got in the pool and my 100 times were 2-3s faster than before, despite the aerobic deconditiong. (So for you slow swimmers, start doing your core work).

If you pursue surgery, just embrace the fact that you will become deconditioned. That part has been pretty easy to deal with mentally because only for the last few days have I actually felt like I’ve wanted to do more than I am permitted. Until now, it’s been very obvious that it’s not a question of *permission, *but rather that you just *can’t. *PM me if you want more.

Was your MRI done with or without contrast? You would know if it was done with contrast because they would have injected your joint with dye - which is called an arthrogram. I had this done for what my doc thought might be a torn labrum. I have been told that MRI’s without contrast is a toss up on what actually is happening there. Even the MRI’s with contrast apparently can be deceptive and difficult to fully diagnose a tear. I had very minor pain in my joint plus feelings of my hip being imbalanced that led my doc to do the arthrogram. Usually tears cause pain, but my doc said some people do not have pain. In any case, my arthrogram said I had an old healed labral tear and the doc didn’t suggest anything but strength training or PT.

My suggestion is see what your doc says and judge next steps based on your pain level and what activity level you want to have in the future. If the pain is mild, it might be good to see if your doc would suggest PT first before any surgery. Good luck and hope you gain clarity in soon!!

Thanks for the replies too all,

MRI was done without contrast but at a newer high resolution machine not requiring contrast. That’s what the doc said anyway!

Going on 2 years of knee pain, had imaging on my knee twice and both came back clean, been to 3 different physios, not really getting any real positive improvement after months with each so switched it up to try another angle, this past summer pain started in my hip, slowly getting worse. At the point now where I walk around in some sort of pain in the hip and discomfort all day every day.

Was at physio today and the guy who has gotten me to the point where I can do some body weight strength, and he said based on results and knowing my history, he thinks the knife is probably the option that will have a tangible result.

Will see what the doc says on Tuesday!

Was at physio today and the guy who has gotten me to the point where I can do some body weight strength, and he said based on results and knowing my history, he thinks the knife is probably the option that will have a tangible result.

Will see what the doc says on Tuesday!

Any updates? Did you have surgery? If not, I may have 4 simple strengthening exercises that got me back into a game after a labrum tear. Unfortunately, it took me 3 years to finally figure it out myself after numerous prestigious ortho surgeons, PTs and other specialists of various therapies failed me.

Share your exercises please.

I some times trust the findings of everyday folks rather than the professionals.

Share your exercises please.

I some times trust the findings of everyday folks rather than the professionals.

Sure thing. I would love to. See attached pics.
I’m doing 2 sets of 10 reps on each side. Any stretching or lateral movements make my hip flexor flare up immediately.
