Topless Men

Close to reality for a professor friend of mine. Not a lost nose, but suffered severe burns including his facial area while serving in the IDF years ago.

Yes, he goes out and about. He’s aware, but he basically lives his life normally with a healthy don’t give a ■■■■ vibe. Good for him.

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I don’t think that is how it works. When ■■■■ was originally promoted as a free speech thing it was said, “What’s the big deal, its only bodies we need to get over our sexual hangups” Now it is pretty well the top driver of traffic on the internet.

Everybody at a nude beach well they are selected to be people who are okay with being at a nude beach. It is a small selected group.

In answer to your question I don’t see it around here. The only men without shirts seems to be men out running when it is 30+ degrees C and scruffy 20 and 30 year olds who look homeless. Much more common is women in full on Burkas in black which looks very uncomfortable.

I realized a few days ago I should put my shirt back on after I was trying to cool off after a run. The cleaning lady was here.

sidebar: this is unintentionally funny. I have no idea what those four letters stand for

new forum feature that automatically blocks offensive words…

(actually, I think I misunderstood. How does one delete a reply/post?)

Maybe we are saying the same. But again, I don’t think the individual person who has the reaction should set the standard in these situations. Not when we’re talking about something like how someone calmly and politely watches someone else in public. Simply because a situation “can” arise doesn’t mean it’s justified.

In today’s times many people claim harassment if someone walks up to them to start a conversation or ask them out…the horror!

Discretion is the best way to go here. But again that argument can go both ways as well. In public discretion goes a long way to ensure your experience meets your expectations. Don’t want to get labeled a creep or offend anyone? Have some discretion in your people watching. Dont want unnecessary attention and gawking? Some discretion in your outfits and mannerisms will go a long way to get you that.

Otherwise you forfeit some amount of expectation there.

agree with all of this. It’s the difference between being a cool observer and a creeper. there’s actually a lot of style in the former.

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i too saw a person who ‘converted’ by cutting out breasts then running topless… saw many confused looks on kids faces when that person jogged by.
Anyways, I guess the best rule would be interms of covering up…in the abdomen/chest area: if it jiggles… cover it. orifaces and things that jiggle below the hips must be covered

I rarely see men topless even in the gym or when running. And I like it :slight_smile:

There was a lot of controversy about women’s attire at the Olympics. I think some of it is legit. Beach volleyball well that’s about male eyeballs.

It’s weird though that nobody was talking about male track athletes whose junk is clearly visible under sheer jammers. Male 100m runners we don’t need to see their junk.

Don’t you mean Pole Vaulters???

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There was lots of talk about it, but maybe not within your hearing. :wink:

that one pole didn’t vault well at all

There is a difference. For the women, the principal issue was forcing some of them to wear more revealing outfits than they’d like. For the men, they choose (I assume) not to wear any undergarment that would better hide their junk. At least from the athlete perspective, those seem very different.

That’s what happen when you fall asleep after having sex with someone and have to get back home before the wife wakes up.

I am still getting used to the new format. I didn’t love the fact that someone seeing my mail inbox sees an email titled “topless men”. I think I learned how to fix that.

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Burner email account, dude

To the bold… No the voice in your head tells you that. Its amazing to me, when you talk to physically handicapped people, how much they don’t care if some one looks at them, some will use it to reach out and talk to the person and explain what there life is like or how it happened. Less and less people care what your nose / leg or arm looks like, sure your different who cares it makes you you. There is the 1 legged guy who know has a bunch of followers on some social medial platform, every year for halloween he makes great costumes, one year he was the leg lamp… all embrace the fact that he has 1 leg. So you have a funny nose, doesn’t mean your not smart, intellegent and beautiful, it would be the voice in you head saying that, not other people.

Hahahaha. Since you replied to me, I received an email titled Topless Men. I guess I’ll need to find how to tell it not to notify me when someone replies to my posts.

Of course its different for them, their parents livelyhood depends on sex, birth and death. So its openly talked about, as where the city kids mom and dad are freaked out to talk to little tommy about sex, birth and death cause he is so innocent and young. You kind of made my point.

I bet at least 2 or 3 times a day, little tommy is eating something that is the result of sex birth and death. If you want not hard to make that point early and often.

Sex is not dirty, the human body is not dirty or provocative, But I have a feeling you think preschoolers shuld not see classic Greek statues

Hell how many families have more than 1 kid or how many under 10yr olds have seen a baby or are related to someone who died, Sex Birth and Death is all around, hell if you have a garden you see it. No the only thing thats different is it makes city adults uncomfortable to talk to their children about it. So they pretend their kid is to innocent. and make up stories about a bird bringing the baby,