Hi Tom or anyone else… I remember from a past post that your shop was going to be getting the azoto aspide saddle. Any feedback? And how much is the retail on that? I tried emailing the distributor but they never got back to me… Di they make the changes that Dan had made at interbike?
Hi taku, you’re a med stu right? Anyway- we got a half dozen Azoto Aspides in and three of them sold right away. Two others are on Litespeed Sabers that are sold and going out soon when the customers come in for their final fit. Right now I’m the wrong guy to ask about saddles since I’ve been fighting this darn cold for three weeks+ and haven’t been training. Sux. I can tell you the saddles looked like a reasonbale compromise from the wider, larger Azoto- maybe a good alternative for smaller riders. Sorry I can’t be of more assistance yet.
Would you be willing to put a review on your site when you get around to testing it out… I am in the market for new shoes and a saddle and would be very much interested in hearing your opinion…
yes I am a medical student.
and the answer to your question is sleep and drink lots of fluid… just kidding the real answer to your question is " you should speak to a real doctor"
If you do have any medical questions I can answer them on a theoritcal level or at the least point you to somewhere where you can find the information
Yup, I’ll write a review and add it to the review we have on our site of the existing Azoto. It will move to the top of the page (www.bikesportmichigan.com) when it is done in the next month or so- I have to get some time on it first!