Tom D, who is Mario Bonano?

Who is this Mario Donano? Maybe I’m just too young to know him, or maybe it’s because I’m from oversea…! Or maybe because I train to much and use the rest of my time on this forum…!

Big secret. Can’t say.


His full name is Mario Bonano Chin.

Come on… You need to say… I annoy me every time I sees it and don’t know how it is.!

I can’t even google him?

“I saw a lot of stuff out there man, some of it was real…” Mario Bonano

It’s Tom’s live in lover discussing their love life. :wink:

OK, Here he is:>nu%3D3246>645>285>WSNRCG%3D323297746%3B98<nu0mrj Mario is an associate of ours: Naturalist, geographer, historian, antique trader, philosopher and athlete. He showed up here about five years ago and demonstrated exceptional initiative and resourcefulness, and hence earned associate status, and access the the vaunted “inner circle”. Here is some additional insights on Mario:

Thanks!! Now I can sleep to night…!

I think Mario “knows people”, as in he’s “connected”, Capisc?

Helps to have friends.

Especially in the reclamation world, eh?