Today's Plan to Cease Operations After Mar 12

Wow. Our team is very curious to know what happened here…

Wow. Our team is very curious to know what happened here…

Never used them but it’s pretty interesting happening.

PS. I took the plunge and used your Black Friday code and signed up for Athletica AI for 6 months.

Hey thanks so much for the support.

It’s pretty crazy news though. Does it say something about the industry as a whole? Specific to the platform? We’re puzzled.

Hey thanks so much for the support.

It’s pretty crazy news though. Does it say something about the industry as a whole? Specific to the platform? We’re puzzled.

We’ll see if Jim Vance chimes in.

I tried it for a while and thought it was really hard to use. Can’t say I’m super surprised when trainingpeaks did everything I wanted while being much more user friendly

Hey thanks so much for the support.

It’s pretty crazy news though. Does it say something about the industry as a whole? Specific to the platform? We’re puzzled.

We’ll see if Jim Vance chimes in.

I thought I saw that Jim left them a few months back - heard that they got bought up by Specialized then Spec shut them down? Could be wrong - I know the Purplepatch athletes were on it and they will be changing platforms.

Endure IQ was in it too. I used it a little. I liked it but no true differentiation vs trainingpeaks.
TP, Nolio, Final Surge, Today’s Plan, Garmin connect… it’s a competitive business.
I’m also curious about the impact that the new AI training platforms like Athletica AI, etc. will have on their business model and whether they have to start evolving in that direction.

Wow!! We use it for Endure IQ and I’m pretty sure switching platforms will cause them to create new workouts… Thousands of workouts and training plans.

DC Rainmaker explains it all very well as he often does…

I moved to Today’s Plan when they first started because my coach said that it’s more intuitive on the coaching side and allows her to lessen her workload. For me, it was fine, so I had no problem ensuring that my coach is also happy!

I re-upped my yearly subscription on 11/28. They happily took my money with no announcement about shutting down. Now, there’s an FAQ stating that we’ll all be refunded our cash in March 2024. They responded within 4 hours, so they are on top of it. And, there’s already an FAQ about how to download your history. I’ve got 7 years of history on their platform that’s super important to me now as I headed into menopause and everything changed. We need to the data for comparison (and an unofficial single person study about menopause affecting endurance training – for me only).

I’m curious to hear what happened as well because it was so abrupt.

Endure IQ was in it too. I used it a little. I liked it but no true differentiation vs trainingpeaks.
TP, Nolio, Final Surge, Today’s Plan, Garmin connect… it’s a competitive business.
I’m also curious about the impact that the new AI training platforms like Athletica AI, etc. will have on their business model and whether they have to start evolving in that direction.

We’re working hard at to create a system that will allow coaches the ability to move their Today’s Plan workout libraries directly into an Athletica Coach Library so you can hit the ground running with an AI-based coaching platform. Feel free to DM me for further info.

Maybe it was the 20 times a week I got an phone notification and an email with “YOU HAVE WON A GOLD MEDAL” for something other absurd…

Kinda the lamest, binary gamification I have ever experienced on any platform.

Want to add a manual bike training on a day, that already has a bike training?? - oh good luck with that. Cant match, sorry!

Seems they were 10 years behind!

At least the abbreviation TP worked like a charm! :slight_smile: Sorry …

Wow. Our team is very curious to know what happened here…

Pretty sure I imported all my history from Training Peaks into Todays Plan, so I guess the same would work. Bit of a pain but no other real options

These platforms can only exist when they reach a large user base that pays a fee. Seems to me that development of Today’s plan costs a lot and requires lots of investments where their usergroup (athletes and coaches) already have Training Peaks and maybe only a very small part of them wants to migrate to Today’s Plan. Have been using Today’s Plan besides Training Peaks because of using the EndureIQ squad which is only provided through Today’s Plan. But I don’t like Today’s plan so I manually carry over training to Training Peaks. Curious if and how EndureIQ will move to TrainingPeaks as it works quite different with their rolling schedule.

I do the exact same. I haven’t heard what platform EIQ is moving too but I hope it’s TP.

But I don’t like Today’s plan so I manually carry over training to Training Peaks.

Can I dig deeper on this please?

What did you NOT like on Today’s Plan?

And for anyone reading with experience, what did you like on Today’s Plan that you will miss?

Thank you…

As someone who’d never heard of “Today’s Plan” I was pretty confused as to who decided today on a plan to cease operations.

At the time (2 years ago) in Today’s Plan there was very few integration with wearables. I think as a Trainingpeaks user for many years I was just too used to the typical terminology used like CTL, ATL and TSB etc. I found and find the weekly overviews in Trainingpeaks much more insightful from a glance. Same for workout descriptions and workout builder. I am looking from an athlete perspective and cannot judge the trainer perspective on differences between Today’s plan and TrainingPeaks. Hope it gives some useful insights and maybe other forum users can add?

That’s exactly the type of info I was after. Agree that at the end of the day the simple interface and associated terms wins out for the athlete (and maybe even trainer/coach although it will vary). That includes the UI/X from a graphical perspective. Thanks for that!