To buy guru fitbike

Hi! Does anyone have a GURU Fit Bike for sale? I’m from Barcelona (SPAIN). Thanks

Hi! Does anyone have a GURU Fit Bike for sale? I’m from Barcelona (SPAIN). Thanks

are you looking for a Gen 1 or a Gen 2? i know of some Gen1s for sale.

but fair warning, those bikes don’t travel well. i own one, i’ve transported multiple, i’ve worked on a lot of the mechanical issues, and they’re finnicky when you try to move them.

If you are already an IBFI member, there have been some for sale on the Forum for sale from people in EU.
Or contact Andy Brooke at International Bike Fitting Institute: Right now he is selling a complete Retul system (he is in the UK)

As Dan says the Guru units are not travel friendly, they are close to 130kilos. I wouldn’t want to guess how much the air freight would be for that.

Gen 1 units you will have to have someone crack into the software to operate it without Guru web service.