Tips for speeding up the morning routine

I can pretty much get up and be on the trainer within 15 minutes, if I really want to. But running is another story…it usually takes me close to an hour to be ready with the need to go to the bathroom. I drink tea to help speed the process up (not interested in coffee) but it’s still a massive time suck.

Any tips for speeding the process up? Bad things happen if I try to just get up and run.

Add more fiber to your diet, or supplement along with more hydration. Eat something small immediately when you wake up along with your tea, and get your body moving right away. Once you’re successful (ha), keep training your body to be on that “right away in the morning” schedule.

We can probably take it as read that this thread is going to be all about oversharing.

Ok, so when in full training mode, then I normally find that I need a snack on a nigh just before bed to avoid waking at 3am hungry. So what I do is have a bowl of branflakes immediately before bed with skimmed milk. Then in a morning up, make a brew of tea and drink about half of that, before I am ready to lighten the load and then head out the door. It’s been pretty effective, and as mentioned getting into that routine is useful.

That being said, I do like to have a plan for where mid run loos are just in case. I can only remember a couple of cases over the years where it’s been neccesary, but not having to to worry about that is priceless.

There is another side here too. I get up and then tend to drive 20mins to work, park, and then go for my morning run, starting about 5:30-5:45am. Holding the drop off until leaving the office means you’re not wasting that time. So do the run, then get back to office, grab recovery shake whilst cooling down, then get a shower and as commute is done in 20mins when roads empty and not 45mins when congested at 8am I’m working by 7:30-8am depending on the length of run. So my point here is can you not waste that time when your body is waking up, but re-order your day to make use of that time?