Tips for first TT

Hi all

Entered my first TT for this Saturday. 10 miles, so pretty much all in for the duration.

Can someone advise on what would be the best warm up routine? Easy pedalling, any efforts? Normal cadence? I have rollers I can bring but I’m also planning to park a couple miles away from the start line and use that as a WU.

Many thanks

Warm up is always super individual. For me, I do best with 15 min or so easy, a slow build to threshold with a couple minutes in each zone, a few more minutes easy, a few minutes near threshold, and then another 5 min or so easy. If I’m more fatigued going into it though, I’ll want to do less than that.

Good luck! Remember, first few minutes of the time trial you’ll be on adrenaline and it’s really easy to go out too hard. You should feel like you’re going fairly easy. Generally better to go out too easy and build into it than to go out too hard and blow up.

Thanks for this, really appreciate it. Yeah I’m concerned that adrenaline will take control but will try and be strict on power at the start. I know my approx numbers but suspect they may go out the window during the course!

One think that I think has gotten lost in today’s use of ramp tests and auto ftp and erg mode is a loss of feeling how to pace these efforts. Not a fan of the 95% of 20 min power for FTP but I do think it’s super valuable to do occasional maximal 20 min efforts to hone in pacing and RPE. Good to use power as an occasional guide if need be, but sometimes it can be a bit limiting

I time trial regularly and for a 10 miler I’d do about 20 minutes. I do it all on road (but not the course) and start with 8-10 mins just easy riding in TT position. Then start with some high RPM work but easy gear before some 15 to 30 second intervals building up to race pace…maybe 6 efforts. Aim to arrive at the start sweating and on time (not too early so you cool down and not too late so you miss your start!). Pacing wise, don’t be tempted to go out too hard, it’s still ten miles and if you start too quickly and accumulate the lactic acid in your legs you’ll be surprised at how much you slow. Good luck.

Thanks, will take this on board! Looking forward to it, in a weird sadistic kind of way

I would use the rollers, then the ride to the start is just an easy spin to get comfy on the bike, feel which way the wind is etc
The British cycling warm up is a reasonable start point, though I also add a 3-4 min block at tt effort on aero bars

End your warm up 20 mins before the start, towel off , helmet on and ride to the start ready to go

If you can ride the course in the days before I find that a big help but most races don’t want you on course in the race

I do best when I warm up easy for 20-30 minutes and towards the end do some short sprint intervals (1 minute at 85-90% max effort). Stop about 20 minutes before your start, hit the porta and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
Then take the TT on like a 5k run. Negative splits with enough juice left to do a fast finish (last 2 miles or so).
Don’t let the adrenaline take over. Pace yourself! Especially in the first 1/3 of the race.
Most importantly - Have FUN!

These replies are fantastic, thank you all
Really looking forward to it!

Enjoy! It’s really addictive at the start when you can often knock chunks of time off each ride. Let us know how you do

thanks again for everyone’s comments, really did help

Was a great day and I’m mostly happy with my first result. I followed a 30 min warm up with some 30 second efforts and feel it did help. The weather was against us on Sat. The course involved a roundabout at halfway, so had to slow quite a bit for that. Stayed upright which is the main thing

I did my homework on the course and the wind on the day. Went out maybe a little hard at first, but soon backed off to a number I’m OK with knowing I would put a bigger effort in for the last 3-5k. Weirdly my legs started to go before my HR got too high and I ended up struggling to hold my top range.

Finished in just over 23:30 mins for the 10miles. Felt like I had more in me to be honest, which is a little annoying but a good learning experience.

Also realise I need better equipment. No skin suit, socks overshoes etc. No disc wheel. I prob looked very amateur but who cares

Some great people racing and someone recommended no pinz for the suit. With shoes/socks, do most wear overshoes?
I think I might be addicted, Ive already got my eye on the next one :slight_smile: