Can you have a 10 week break between Ironman races and still expect to perform at your peak again for the second one?
How would you approach training between the two?
I heard Peter Ried in an iterview say that he only gets one 100% effort IM a year. Could this be also true for us mere mortals?
I am doing IMLP in July and then 18 weeks later doing IM Arizona. I plan to take 2 weeks off completely (maybe some light swimming and hiking) and then start easing back in. I hope to be back up to full speed about a month after IMLP.
Two years in a row, I did IM’s where I had 12 weeks between, and I always performed better in the second race.
This year, I’m doing two in 8 weeks - I’ll admit I’m a little bit nervous, but I think if you take appropriate time to recover from the first, in addition to structuring your training differently (i.e., less volume, less intensity) in between - then it should all be good.
I have done it and also had a better race for the second one. After the first IM I took a week completly off then did a reverse taper with weeks 1,2,3, a recovery week, then did 2 build weeks, then a recovery week, then taper 3,2,1. Worked for me I felt great during the IM.
Yeah, I have been wondering the same thing, I have IMAZ here in a few days and IMFL in november so obviously 6.5-7 month is plenty of time but wit the ew IMAZ weather predictions, I am looking for another shot at a sub 11 before Florida.
I think the key is do what Bonness does…do them close together so you can do one build and one taper and then do 2 or more IM’s within a few weeks. I really want to try to do two IM’s within 3 weeks at some point in the next few years. It would be hard to do two seperate IM training cycles in a year for me. I think the wife would have my hide!