Time between Ironmans (1)

After reading a post on Ironmans on back 2 back weekends, It got me thinking, as an AG’r how soon after competing in 1 Ironman race did you compete in another? and how did you do, better or worse?

Multiple times as an age group athlete, I did IM races 3 weeks apart. I often felt that I did better the second time around. It was also physically and mentally easier.

I did it the first time this year at age 60…20 days apart…a lot faster in the second one. But my typical recovery profile has always been 3 to 4 weeks so I did not plan on it. Just one week after finishing the first I realized that my legs were back. That got me to thinking about another one since I had already done the work. So I pushed the training right back up for a week to test myself further, then registered for the second just a week out. Fortunately, in today’s market, walk-up registration is a viable option for some races…

Not a IM back to back but I did a half marathon time trial the weekend after my first 70.3 and blew up spectacularly and running is my strongest discipline.

About 12 months or so.

The reason I ask is I’m considering doing IMLOU and IM CABO which are 4 weeks apart.
I do have experience with two IM in 5 months, but doing this would be 3 in 4 months as I’m already in IMMT.
I have been told that by doing an IM 4 weeks following an IM primes you for good results due to physiological adaptations that you’ll benefit from doing the race 4 weeks earlier. I just don’t know how to structure that training wise?. Thinking 1 week off, 2 week build, 1 week taper.

The reason I ask is I’m considering doing IMLOU and IM CABO which are 4 weeks apart.
I do have experience with two IM in 5 months, but doing this would be 3 in 4 months as I’m already in IMMT.
I have been told that by doing an IM 4 weeks following an IM primes you for good results due to physiological adaptations that you’ll benefit from doing the race 4 weeks earlier. I just don’t know how to structure that training wise?. Thinking 1 week off, 2 week build, 1 week taper.

I asked this question years ago when I had a KQ last minute, then was scheduled to do IMFL three weeks post Hawaii. Matt Russell gave me some good advice.

When the engine is hot, keep it hot.

You do need to recover from that first one - that’s individual for everyone. Keep moving though, and add little bits of intensity in. When the fatigue is gone, you will know and it’ll be time to resume normal training. I would not take a full week off - that might leave you feeling like crap for weeks. Start working through slowly as a sort of reverse taper.

Don’t need but one long run or ride in between races.

If you recover well, it could work out great!

I agree with Colin. I one year at Kona I got sick right after. There wasn’t much time between that October race & IM FLA in November (along with getting sick between). I ended up with a PR which is still my PR today. Keep it hot. The downtime of being sick worked to my advantage in this case.