Thoughts and Prayers (1)

For mass shooting #57,233 or whatever we are up to.

For mass shooting #57,233 or whatever we are up to.

And still on the loose almost 2 hours later

Maybe Jimatbeyond can comment on the shooters moral character

Hoping all of our Maine peeps friends and family ok.

Maybe Jimatbeyond can comment on the shooters moral character

He usually lays low for a few days when these things happen.

Maybe Jimatbeyond can comment on the shooters moral character

He usually lays low for a few days when these things happen.

Achon is probably standing with the shooter too

My hometown.

My hometown.

Sorry to hear that man. Hope everyone you know is safe.

My hometown.

That sucks.

I wrote and deleted the next sentence a few times, because it all sounds so trite. I really don’t know what to say except I wish it would end and I will keep voting against guns.

And even that sounds trite. Fuck this shit.

My hometown.

Sorry to hear that man. Hope everyone you know is safe.


My hometown.

That sucks.

I wrote and deleted the next sentence a few times, because it all sounds so trite. I really don’t know what to say except I wish it would end and I will keep voting against guns.

And even that sounds trite. Fuck this shit.

There is nothing profound to be said. It just sucks.

Terrible. Evil.

Maybe Jimatbeyond can comment on the shooters moral character

He usually lays low for a few days when these things happen.

“Now is not the time to talk about gun control.”

Let’s see…

Hearing voices, recently committed to mental health facility, threatened to do just what he’s done.

Seems like perfect case for a red flag law that would have confiscated his firearms and not allowed him to purchase more.

Seems like at a minimum no way this guy should have legally had access to guns.

Maybe that was the case but haven’t seen it yet.

Yet the only solution from half on Americans is to have MORE guns.

They gave us the insurrectionist too.

My hometown.

What kind of town is it? A suburb of a bigger city, small and rural, or …

I will also join the chorus of those hoping your family and friends back home are safe, and will continue to vote for red flag laws at every opportunity.

I believe Dr. TC is also from Maine. Doc, please let us know how your family is back home.

My hometown.

What kind of town is it? A suburb of a bigger city, small and rural, or …

I’m sure Ike is more familiar, but in my mind Lewiston is a small Maine city. I’d guess a few 10k people.

Definitely has a run down, post industrial age feel too it whenever I’ve been there. Bates College, expensive liberal arts school is there. I tend to think of it as where a lot of Somali refugees settled, just because when my son’s soccer teams played teams from that area they were almost exclusively Somali kids, stark contrast to teams from other parts of Maine.

My hometown.

What kind of town is it? A suburb of a bigger city, small and rural, or …

I’m sure Ike is more familiar, but in my mind Lewiston is a small Maine city. I’d guess a few 10k people.

Definitely has a run down, post industrial age feel too it whenever I’ve been there. Bates College, expensive liberal arts school is there. I tend to think of it as where a lot of Somali refugees settled, just because when my son’s soccer teams played teams from that area they were almost exclusively Somali kids, stark contrast to teams from other parts of Maine.

Second most populous city in Maine, 36k