Those of you with kids in school

Yes or No: Would you want your kids’ teachers to be armed?

Note: After the school shooting here last April, they passed legislation to have SROs in all schools.

The Senate passed HB 1202 on Tuesday, April 9, in a 26-5 vote not long after clearing the gallery following cries from people protesting the legislation. The bill would allow faculty or staff members of a school to carry a concealed handgun on school grounds under certain conditions.

Teachers who decide to carry would have to undergo 40 hours of annual gun training at their own expense, in addition to receiving approval from the school director, passing a mental health evaluation, and passing an FBI background check.

According to a member of the Tennessee School Resource Officers Association, only eight of those hours go to firearm training.

Note: After the school shooting here last April, they passed legislation to have SROs in all schools.

Last half of that sentence got cut off for some reason.

Who carries the liability insurance?

School staff should definitely be packing heat.

No …

Maybe if you did a survey:

“Do you want to be armed???”…

YES - should be fired immediately.

NO - take a few of them. Pay them an extra $15k/yr and give them a lot of training.

(Of course people would eventually figure out how the survey works)…

Hard no. But I live in Canada - I can’t imagine that would ever happen here.

Texas recently passed legislation requiring an armed police person on each campus.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I know some school districts have had dedicated police for years.


I don’t know. I assume everyone is carrying, even though I know most are not.

I am guessing the concern, is if a kid gets a hold of the gun?

I dont support requiring teachers to carry, but I don’t think I am against it, as long as it is concealed (well). I think the unknown that a teacher could be packing, might be enough of a deterrent for some of these school shootings.

Would prefer for schools to pay for armed security at each school, if we feel we have gotten to that point, or an area wants to do more to add deterrents.


I want my teachers focused on my kid’s learning, not worried about the bad guys or (more likely) a student ending up with the gun.

Texas recently passed legislation requiring an armed police person on each campus.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I know some school districts have had dedicated police for years.

Did the legislation dedicate funding for this, or is it taken out of the budget for actually educating?

Fuck no.

Then again school shootings aren’t nearly as popular in Canada as they are in Gunland.

School staff should definitely be packing heat.

I figured you’d be on here advocating for guns in school. A large segment of society has been railing against the capabilities of teachers and schools to do there jobs, now you want those same people carrying guns. It makes perfect sense.

My wife is a teacher, I don’t want her to have to carry a gun, and she doesn’t want to carry a gun. She also doesn’t want to work in a school where guns are allowed. We have seen over and over and over how well a good guy with a gun works.



Would your wife like to have a police officer at her school?

I am guessing the concern, is if a kid gets a hold of the gun?

Or the teacher has a bad day and flips out, or a fellow teacher has a bad day and gets hold of the gun and flips out, or the gun falls out of the teacher’s waistband and fires, or the teacher forgets to grab his gun after taking a dump, or…


Yes, given some sort of process and protections in place.

Our kids are grown and well out of school.

However, thinking back to my own school days, it is a big HELL NO for me. I was in school back during the getting paddled age. I can’t imagine some of these teachers having a gun. I had one teacher who had a very bad case of “little man” disease. He would stand you in the doorway to paddle you to see if he could hit you hard enough to knock you into the hallway.

School staff should definitely be packing heat.

I figured you’d be on here advocating for guns in school. A large segment of society has been railing against the capabilities of teachers and schools to do there jobs, now you want those same people carrying guns. It makes perfect sense.

My wife is a teacher, I don’t want her to have to carry a gun, and she doesn’t want to carry a gun. She also doesn’t want to work in a school where guns are allowed. We have seen over and over and over how well a good guy with a gun works.

My long term girlfriend is a “teacher mentor”.

She works with new teachers AND problem teachers.

She has one problem teacher who has schizophrenia. He is a MAGA guy with massive anger management issues. He also thinks the kids, other teachers and the administrative staff is conspiring against him.

That guy thinks he needs a gun in class.