This Thread is Not A Joke: July Fish

Post em. NO DRY JULY!

This morning 7am (25 SCM):

500 freestyle with pull buoy & snorkel
8x25 fs 30" send off
6x(2x50 fs 50" s/o + 100 fs & pb 1’40" s/o)
50 backstroke easy
4x200 fs & pb & paddles 3’10" s/o
8x25 fs 30" s/o
50 backstroke easy

Mon July 1 - 1200 yd swim, 3.53 mi jog as part of jog walk, 3 mi walk

12 x 100 on 1:50

Think a high elbow pull is what makes the knots… so used a wider elbow angle while pulling

Say what you will about swimming in general, but swimming is one of the most exciting sports of all time. We also have fishes here putting on an absolute show. And yet, crickets from most of Slowtwitch. All cuz the masses think these threads may not last forever and cuz they had a disagreement with the swimgods.

Get over yourselves and report on good swimming. You’re only hurting yourself.

Opened up July with a basic 33x100’s of various stuff. Tested my test set, not ready, yet…

33x100 as 3buoy@1;40(1;24/23/22)3breast@2;00(1;36/36/35)3frog@2;00(1;47/46/45)3back@2;00(1;31/29/26)3buoy@1;40(1;21/19/18)6pull@1;40/35/30/25/20/15(1;18/17/18/17/15/12)3frog@2;00(1;46/45/43)4p@1;30(1;18/16/14/10)frog(1;48)1p(1;19)
3300SCY in 58 minutes

Did not get in the water today, but here is last week’s swim days:

800 warmup
4x50 easy

  • 6.5mi trail run

800 warmup
2x RD1: 3:24-21-18, RD2: 3:22-19-15
200 fast (2:03)
4x50 easy

  • ~30min strength session

4x50 25 Sprint/25 easy
2x50 easy
5x100 strong descend on 1:30
4x50 easy
4x100 reverse IM
2x500 pull strong but steady 5:24/5:20
4x50 easy

  • 5mi trail run

Otillo Whistler in less than a week

pool holding nice temp at the moment and rest day tomoz

1 k warm up
2 k neg split (13’10, 19’45 and 26’10 splits)
200 easy
4x100 d 1-4 (20 down to 14) 8x50 fast
200 easy
2 x 400 cool down long dps

Nobody got/appreciated my joke, did they?

I dare say I am similar to you in that my sense of humour is often misunderstood 🤣

I can’t believe you aren’t covering the T100 swim sessions in this thread, censorship is getting out of control.

Weekend swim session 1x3k ows in the local pond. It’s been warming up nicely although I am too much of a wimp to lose the wetsuit yet.

This morning 7am (25 SCM):

500 freestyle with pull buoy & snorkel
8x25 fs 30" send off
12x100 fs (1 with p/b every 3) 1’40" s/o
50 backstroke ez
800 fs with p/b & paddles
8x25 fs 30" s/o
50 b/s ez

Tues July 2- 1800 yds, shoulder strength, 3.6 mi walk

18 x 100 on 1:50

Used my less than ideal, but pain free, technique

Nobody got/appreciated my joke, did they?

I don’t think I did. I apologize. Pm me and explain ?

I got Nick’s joke.

Swim thread: not a joke, but for jokes, keep making em, someone will get ‘em

This AM pre-work pool session: Haven’t swam for real since the boulder 70.3 (recovery then vacation)

300 warmup
100/200/300/200/100 progressive ladder
2x200 on 4:00
300 cool down

My focus after my 4th of july camping trip is going to be building volume. Time in the pool is hard for me but trying to make it a goal to reach 10k/week. Maybe a better goal for the winter when I don’t want to go outside all day.

Say what you will about swimming in general, but swimming is one of the most exciting sports of all time. We also have fishes here putting on an absolute show. And yet, crickets from most of Slowtwitch. All cuz the masses think these threads may not last forever and cuz they had a disagreement with the swimgods.

Get over yourselves and report on good swimming. You’re only hurting yourself.

Just to be clear (and to admit that my joke has bombed on an epic scale), the post quoted above is an adaptation of the first post in the “This Site Is A Joke” thread.

Tuesday is…well, check my new sig!! 😂

Warmup: 8x100m on 2:30 (1:59…1:50) + 8x12.5m on 1:00 (11sec…8.5sec).

The 12.5m: 8.0sec.

Cooldown: 4x100m on 2:30 (1:51…1:45).

12.5m is a Thing! 12.5m is fun! And it’s a great warmup for tomorrow’s…well, check my new sig!! 😂

Not feeling it today, so started out very easy and just built into a manageable workout…Its funny because I feel tired in the car on the way, even think of turning around, and then once in the water all that goes away. And at some point I feel really good again, only to rinse and repeat. Could be the heat outside, I’m bouncing between 118 and 100 for the past weeks, and apparently it is going to get worse the next couple weeks too:

3x(3x200buoy or pull or frog@3;10/3;00/4;00/4x50@1;00 swim or back)200buoys(2;57/54/51)pulls(2;36/35/32)frogs(3;36/35/32)50’s swim(39/38/36/34+/38/36/35/34)back(44/43/42/39) 200frog(3;38)

3x200p@3;00 easy(2;38/37/36)
3400SCY in 60 minutes

Thanks for explaining joke.
Doc did trigger point injections w an anti inflammatory to treat the muscle knots yesterday. I don’t intend to swim til mon- need some time for it to chill. Xoxo

I can’t stop my wrist flexing at the beginning of my catch (I can’t even feel I’m doing it). Have tried the Finis bolster and fulcrum but found them difficult to use. Has anyone got any tips? Thinking about getting some snowboard wrists guards to limit wrist movement.

Today I did a 45 minute tether swim, as I failed to get out of bed early enough to go to the 50m pool.

Tue July 2

100 Breast
100 Free
100 Kick
200 Free

Everything easy since I just swam on Sunday. Shoulder is a smidgen more comfortable in the recovery phase with each session.