This is going well so far

Israel tears into Harris for skipping Netanyahu’s address to Congress (

‘The free world cannot afford leaders who are unable to distinguish between good and evil,’ said the official. Her absence takes on even greater significance coming days after she was anointed by President Joe Biden and top Democrats to be the party’s nominee in November’s election.

Aryeh Lightstone, who was senior adviser to Donald Trump’s ambassador to Israel, said he was not surprised that Harris was staying away from Netanyahu’s speech, given her longstanding hostility to the country. ‘She doesn’t like the State of Israel ,’ he said. ‘She certainly doesn’t like the current government and she’s not interested in engaging with it.’

I’m confident VP Harris will thread this her first political needle well.

I am sure lots of people will be upset she is not in attendance for a speech by an unpopular person who is likely to go to prison in the near future for his long record of corruption.

I am sure lots of people will be upset she is not in attendance for a speech by an unpopular person who is likely to go to prison in the near future for his long record of corruption.

Well, they will pretend to be upset, at least

I am sure lots of people will be upset she is not in attendance for a speech by an unpopular person who is likely to go to prison in the near future for his long record of corruption.

don’t worry she has her big girl pants on. She will handle this with political savvy I’m sure.

JD Vance is an actual member of Congress and he didn’t attend either

Israel tears into Harris for skipping Netanyahu’s address to Congress (

‘The free world cannot afford leaders who are unable to distinguish between good and evil,’ said the official. Her absence takes on even greater significance coming days after she was anointed by President Joe Biden and top Democrats to be the party’s nominee in November’s election.

Aryeh Lightstone, who was senior adviser to Donald Trump’s ambassador to Israel, said he was not surprised that Harris was staying away from Netanyahu’s speech, given her longstanding hostility to the country. ‘She doesn’t like the State of Israel ,’ he said. ‘She certainly doesn’t like the current government and she’s not interested in engaging with it.’
where was the other candidate, were they present and accounted for at the address??? think for a moment, was the VP likely to attend this speech? There is no reason that either presidential nominee would attend this occasion.

JD Vance is an actual member of Congress and he didn’t attend either

was he out staging shootings you scum?

I am sure lots of people will be upset she is not in attendance for a speech by an unpopular person who is likely to go to prison in the near future for his long record of corruption.

don’t worry she has her big girl pants on. She will handle this with political savvy I’m sure.

You posted an article from the a tabloid. You are clearly not very media literate.

I am sure lots of people will be upset she is not in attendance for a speech by an unpopular person who is likely to go to prison in the near future for his long record of corruption.

don’t worry she has her big girl pants on. She will handle this with political savvy I’m sure.

You posted an article from the a tabloid. You are clearly not very media literate.

It isnt even an article. It is just a quote from someone from trump’s team and a picture - from the daily mail.

I am sure lots of people will be upset she is not in attendance for a speech by an unpopular person who is likely to go to prison in the near future for his long record of corruption.

don’t worry she has her big girl pants on. She will handle this with political savvy I’m sure.

You posted an article from the a tabloid. You are clearly not very media literate.

It isnt even an article. It is just a quote from someone from trump’s team and a picture - from the daily mail.

totally not legit. Israel is thrilled that Harris will be following Biden in the Dem succession, She’s always been a big advocate of Israel.

Plus, it’s just Israel, right? who cares

JD Vance is an actual member of Congress and he didn’t attend either.


I am sure lots of people will be upset she is not in attendance for a speech by an unpopular person who is likely to go to prison in the near future for his long record of corruption.

don’t worry she has her big girl pants on. She will handle this with political savvy I’m sure.

You posted an article from the a tabloid. You are clearly not very media literate.

It isnt even an article. It is just a quote from someone from trump’s team and a picture - from the daily mail.

totally not legit. Israel is thrilled that Harris will be following Biden in the Dem succession, She’s always been a big advocate of Israel.

Plus, it’s just Israel, right? who cares

That is the extent of what you claim is a really big deal. Trumps comms team commenting on something. Let me find a twitter post from Dark Brandon’s twitter feed, and say its a big deal.

The title has nothing to do with the quote. The title should be “Trumps team Tears into Harris…” You can always find another article that actually says what you claiming. This one isnt it.


I am sure lots of people will be upset she is not in attendance for a speech by an unpopular person who is likely to go to prison in the near future for his long record of corruption.

don’t worry she has her big girl pants on. She will handle this with political savvy I’m sure.

You posted an article from the a tabloid. You are clearly not very media literate.

It isnt even an article. It is just a quote from someone from trump’s team and a picture - from the daily mail.

totally not legit. Israel is thrilled that Harris will be following Biden in the Dem succession, She’s always been a big advocate of Israel.

Plus, it’s just Israel, right? who cares

VP Harris is fully up to speed on the international comings and goings of our friends and enemies. It is widely known that she works tirelessly night and day to stay up to speed on all current events and relationships. Her staff while she’s been VP sings praises of how prepared she is for every situation and how she often asks them probing and insightful questions and pushes them to dig deeper to get just a little more for the US. Plus she has the confidence and drive to establish the US position of strength on the world stage.

I am sure lots of people will be upset she is not in attendance for a speech by an unpopular person who is likely to go to prison in the near future for his long record of corruption.

don’t worry she has her big girl pants on. She will handle this with political savvy I’m sure.

You posted an article from the a tabloid. You are clearly not very media literate.

It isnt even an article. It is just a quote from someone from trump’s team and a picture - from the daily mail.

totally not legit. Israel is thrilled that Harris will be following Biden in the Dem succession, She’s always been a big advocate of Israel.

Plus, it’s just Israel, right? who cares

That is the extent of what you claim is a really big deal. Trumps comms team commenting on something. Let me find a twitter post from Dark Brandon’s twitter feed, and say its a big deal.

The title has nothing to do with the title. The title should be “Trumps team Tears into Harris…” You can always find another article that actually says what you claiming. This one isnt it.

totally not legit. Israel is thrilled that Harris will be following Biden in the Dem succession, She’s always been a big advocate of Israel.

Plus, it’s just Israel, right? who cares

VP Harris is fully up to speed on the international comings and goings of our friends and enemies. It is widely known that she works tirelessly night and day to stay up to speed on all current events and relationships. Her staff while she’s been VP sings praises of how prepared she is for every situation and how she often asks them probing and insightful questions and pushes them to dig deeper to get just a little more for the US. Plus she has the confidence and drive to establish the US position of strength on the world stage.

JD Vance is an actual member of Congress and he didn’t attend either.


totally not legit. Israel is thrilled that Harris will be following Biden in the Dem succession, She’s always been a big advocate of Israel.

Plus, it’s just Israel, right? who cares

VP Harris is fully up to speed on the international comings and goings of our friends and enemies. It is widely known that she works tirelessly night and day to stay up to speed on all current events and relationships. Her staff while she’s been VP sings praises of how prepared she is for every situation and how she often asks them probing and insightful questions and pushes them to dig deeper to get just a little more for the US. Plus she has the confidence and drive to establish the US position of strength on the world stage.


JD Vance is an actual member of Congress and he didn’t attend either.


totally not legit. Israel is thrilled that Harris will be following Biden in the Dem succession, She’s always been a big advocate of Israel.

Plus, it’s just Israel, right? who cares

VP Harris is fully up to speed on the international comings and goings of our friends and enemies. It is widely known that she works tirelessly night and day to stay up to speed on all current events and relationships. Her staff while she’s been VP sings praises of how prepared she is for every situation and how she often asks them probing and insightful questions and pushes them to dig deeper to get just a little more for the US. Plus she has the confidence and drive to establish the US position of strength on the world stage.


Do you have a head injury?

So you don’t have an on-topic response to “JD Vance is an actual member of Congress and he didn’t attend either.”?

Do you think that he should?

JD Vance is an actual member of Congress and he didn’t attend either.


Senator Bernie Sanders will not attend as well

"No, Netanyahu should not be welcomed into the U.S. Congress.

On the contrary, his policies in Gaza and the West Bank and his refusal to support a two-state solution should be roundly condemned.

As I stated last month, I will not be attending his address."

Sanders, like many reasonable people, thinks that Bibi is a fool. The people of Israel agree.

Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds | Reuters

VP Harris is fully up to speed on the international comings and goings of our friends and enemies. It is widely known that she works tirelessly night and day to stay up to speed on all current events and relationships. Her staff while she’s been VP sings praises of how prepared she is for every situation and how she often asks them probing and insightful questions and pushes them to dig deeper to get just a little more for the US. Plus she has the confidence and drive to establish the US position of strength on the world stage.

Ok. Here is where I start in with the “but Trump” stuff.

Your dear leader is openly contemptuous of foreign relationships (except with dictators and despots). He stays up to speed on nothing. He is not curious. He doesn’t care about relationships. He doesn’t care about current events. He is prepared for nothing.

Why do you (pretend to) care about these issues when it relates to the democratic nominee but you turn a blind eye to your anointed leader? At some point it would be nice if the Republicans would get their own house in order. You all have known about the extremely flawed nature of Trump and yet you have done nothing… (how does it feel to have your bull…t thrown back at you?)