This is amazingly cool - 5G will be incredible

A new generation of vaccines for cancer - is a game changer

sounds great - not sure what has to do with 5G

I am not in the medical field, but I think one big positive of Covid was the acceleration of mRNA vaccine technology. The negative is the public perception of those same vaccines.

I am not in the medical field, but I think one big positive of Covid was the acceleration of mRNA vaccine technology. The negative is the public perception of those same vaccines.

I’m kind of surprised that the article used the word “jab” several times. I’m sure there are probably some anti-covid-vaxers that would rather die from lung cancer than to get this “jab”.

I am not in the medical field, but I think one big positive of Covid was the acceleration of mRNA vaccine technology. The negative is the public perception of those same vaccines.I’m kind of surprised that the article used the word “jab” several times. I’m sure there are probably some anti-covid-vaxers that would rather die from lung cancer than to get this “jab”.

I think that, once this is shown to work against cancer, anti-vaxxers will be tripping over themselves to get jabbed with this mRNA vaccine. I assure you, their old anti-vax conspiracies will be tossed out the window in short order.

I think that, once this is shown to work against cancer, anti-vaxxers will be tripping over themselves to get jabbed with this mRNA vaccine. I assure you, their old anti-vax conspiracies will be tossed out the window in short order.

When they get the specific cancers they’re designed to defeat, sure. But not before then. And then if they get the vaccine, and then end up with , it will be the cause of the vaccine.

I think that, once this is shown to work against cancer, anti-vaxxers will be tripping over themselves to get jabbed with this mRNA vaccine. I assure you, their old anti-vax conspiracies will be tossed out the window in short order.When they get the specific cancers they’re designed to defeat, sure. But not before then. And then if they get the vaccine, and then end up with , it will be the cause of the vaccine.

To my point, it really does not matter when.

What matters is that all the current covid-generated anti-vaxxers do not really understand or believe anything they are saying about mRNA vaccines. Or even vaccines in general. Any more than they understand or believe in the tooth fairy.

It’s all just tribal identity BS.

sounds great - not sure what has to do with 5G

Don’t you know the only reason mRNA vaxs were developed were to implant nano chips into the sheeple! These vaxs were funded by Soros and Bill Gates to make up magnetic and be 5G antennas!

(technically Gates could fund Moderna, Soros is nowhere near rich enough. Soros’ current wealth isn’t even 100% of Moderna’s 2022 revenue)

sounds great - not sure what has to do with 5G

Don’t you know the only reason mRNA vaxs were developed were to implant nano chips into the sheeple! These vaxs were funded by Soros and Bill Gates to make up magnetic and be 5G antennas!

(technically Gates could fund Moderna, Soros is nowhere near rich enough. Soros’ current wealth isn’t even 100% of Moderna’s 2022 revenue)

My wife was diagnosed with 2 rare and aggressive cancers - keeping her alive till mRNA vaccines are available for her cancers!!

Years of listening to cranks talk about nano bots and 5G from mRNA vaccines…

Fruit loops the lot of them

Its a very encouraging time, as are personalised trials of oncology treatments