Things your dogs have eaten

I’m house and dog sitting for my aunt. The dog is a yellow lab. IDK if all labs are like this, but this one is a mega fan of food. I’m told there is nothing she won’t eat (I won’t test the theory with super spicy peppers or whatnot, but I’m curious if she would).

Although this wasn’t on my watch, this lab has eaten 6 bananas (obviously w peels) in a go.

On my watch so far:

  • I didn’t think she’d eat gum. She got into a big bag of individually wrapped Dubble Bubble
  • protein bar, w wrapper
  • brussel sprout

What unusual-ish things has your dog eaten?

Socks, underwear, pantyhose, plastic bags, toilet paper, used feminine products.


Labs will eat anything. And everything. In one inhale.

We had a yellow lab about 30 years ago that ate a bottle of vitamins- stole them from off of the counter and chewed through the cap. A trip to vet, but she had no ill effects.

Our Australian Shepard is far more disciplined and only eats what we give her. We supplement her dry dog food with various fruits/vegetables. She eats anything we give her… almost. The weirdest thing is that she loves cabbage, but hates lettuce. Go figure.

Dog poo, cat poo, fox poo, anything not nailed down including bark, grass, flowers, food, marmite and lego

I’ll add one more yellow lab story.

The yellow lab we had when I was growing up ate a cassette tape. Left most of the cassette body, but the magnetic tape was mostly consumed.

You can image the output of that incident.

the “dog poo” one reminded me I’ve seen my cat eat her own vomit. That was gross.

Socks and catshit are real treats.

My ex kept the dogs but I do walks/sitting still. They are 11 (Great Pyrenees) and 13 (Chocolate Lab). You would think that this age would bring “maturity”. But they are Dufuses.

The three most notable/comical ingestions were:

  1. an entire huge jellyfish that washed up on shore. The thing was probably two feet in diameter. The dog grabbed it and took off and wasn’t letting me get anywhere near her! She was completely fine afterwards. Didn’t even have an upset stomach.

  2. she downed a whole sourdough loaf that must have fallen out of someone’s grocery bag at the field we walk at. She ate the entire loaf, then came home and drank a whole bowl of water before settling in for a very long and uncomfortable nap.

  3. one day I made pancakes for my daughter and left a plate of extras cooling on the kitchen countertop so we could freeze them. I came back to the kitchen maybe an hour later and the dog was napping peacefully right below the empty plate. I’ve left steaks on the counter before and she never touched them. As far as I know, this was the only time she ate something off the kitchen counters. I think she developed a taste for baked goods after she discovered that sourdough…

Previous dog ate a silicone reusable cupcake mold, that didn’t come out. Cost us $1200 to have it surgically removed.

I could tell stories all day about gross, horrid, foul things my Greenland Husky ate, but I’ll spare you.

But some of the things she ate were more innocuous. Like the time she hopped into the back of a friend’s pickup and stole an ear of sweet corn, which she consumed entirely; husk, silk, corn, and cob. The only tell-tale was a few wisps of corn silk sticking to her lips.

I asked her the next day how it passed and she said “Ruff!”

Let’s see…

All the poop - goose, rabbit, horse, dog (especially when frozen into poopsicles). Not deer though- apparently that’s only for rolling in.

Bag of Hersheys kisses - Wonder (weimaraner) got onto the dining room table while we were riding in the basement and ate em all, wrappers included. She was made to give them all back in the backyard. Yay peroxide.

Treble fish hook. (Ti, weimaraner). Guess it had something tasty on it. It was on a leader and I saw the line hanging out of his mouth. That required surgery.

Various ant baits/traps. Again, yay peroxide.

About a dozen potato rosemary rolls that were rising by the warm fireplace. The aftermath of that was something. (Margo, weimaraner).

A good chunk of a raw lamb roast - plastic wrap included. Left it in the kitchen sink to thaw for dinner while we were outside working in the yard. My boy (Ti, weimaraner) got at it and ate a good chunk. Worst part was that he then returned it all over the house. We cleaned up and salvaged the rest of the roast.

Had a foster (Wyatt, weimaraner) who came to us after he swallowed a whole tennis ball and the owner didn’t want to pay for the surgery.

My aunts slipper. To be fair, she only ate 1/2 of one. Fingers off one leather glove, those came out the next day stuffed with poop. The crotch out of my mother-in-laws underwear. Deer poop, styrofoam plate, rat poison, antifreeze, bugs, had a fondness for spiders. As far as food, she ate everything I ever gave her except tomatoes.

We dog sat a friend’s lab. It ate a bag of walnuts. We felt bad about that and fessed up when the owner returned. He said “that’s nothing. Last week it ate rat poison.”

All the poop - goose, rabbit, horse, dog (especially when frozen into poopsicles). …

Ummmm … that’s not all the poop.

If you do winter backcountry trips with huskies you quickly find out that it pays to hide your poop very carefully.

Previous dog ate a silicone reusable cupcake mold, that didn’t come out. Cost us $1200 to have it surgically removed.
You got a bargain.
One of mine ate 2 rocks. $5,500
Might as well have been diamonds

We had a Flat Coated Retriever and a yellow Lab at the same time. The Flat Coat was worse.

Poopsicles and steaming fresh from the source. It made her sick too. So we got to clean up a lot of poop vomit.

Bars of soap which also made her sick with bubbly vomit.

Mattress ticking, panty hose, and cash.

The yellow lab was much better. He preferred to roll in gross shit than eat it. His only memorable one was he started coughing in the car. The Flatty comes bailing over into the front seat. And up comes a whole, unchewed large pine cone.

He also loved all plants. Including aquarium plants like algae and riccia.

Golden Retriever. Loved Rabbit snacks as we called them. Bite and held onto a squirrel but did not get to enjoy as we (well neighbors wife, and my wife) got it away from him. But the best. a Big box of crayons, the colorful poop afterward, made me think you could make some money with a special dog food or snacks…

Goose poop is the real delicacy. And I’ve basically given up trying to intervene.

More or less one offs:

A bag of dove dark chocolate.
A sex toy.

Among a few other random household items. None caused any issues.

Horse poop. Gotta watch him for this. We walk on a trail and he just casually pops one and munches away.

Goose poop is the real delicacy. And I’ve basically given up trying to intervene.

More or less one offs:

A bag of dove dark chocolate.
A sex toy.

Among a few other random household items. None caused any issues.

That’s a lot of sharing.