Things that make you scratch your head. 68yr old 46km 1 hour bike

In this position I have become the oldest (68) flying Dutch man.
Today I averaged 46 km on the 200m Velodrome in Amsterdam and I only have to improve by 43.3 km UCI WHR.
Many things can and should be improved because the high armrest handlebar position makes the bike very unstable at these speeds and I lose a lot of energy.
Would really like to have that extremely stable and aerodynamic Hope/Lotus bike, but have to pay €24,000 for the frame alone.
So I’m very jealous of Vittoria Bussi.
Furthermore, I also want the most aerodynamic TT handlebars like Vittoria has because now these are actually assembled parts and not aerodynamic.
I also want to mount the armrests closer together so that the frontal air resistance surface is reduced.
But one thing is 100% certain, despite only training 6 hours a week since attack Vittoria and being 5 kg overweight in this position, I can cycle much faster on gear 75x13.


I don’t think he said he did 46k for an hour. Unless its an official record, I wouldn’t pay much attention to it. We had a guy a few years ago, about the same age that was doing runs really fast and posting on Facebook his speeds. It turned out that he was using his Garmin to get speed and it was way off his real speed.

That’s “only” 28.5 mph. I don’t doubt on a velodrome folks could manage under 270w for that.

“I’m from Missouri, show me” comes to mind, but I deem it possible if that’s the mission.

Also, the TT Facebook group I first saw that on is a hot mess mixture of legit folks, pros, newbies, and outright fraudsters also. So ya never know.

Maas is a legitimately talented rider. He’s the Derny hour record holder, and he (at one time) held the unofficial overall best hour result (on an “illegal” bike).
He’s also a bit of a crank, and he’s really fixated on some aspects of his bike setup that are… rather unconventional.

That 46km speed was absolutely not for a full hour. He wasn’t clear how long he actually did it for, but it for sure wasn’t an hour.

His gear ratio would put him at a cadence of something like 65 at 46kph… ouch.

He seems to be just training bragging, he doesn’t even say how long he went 46 kph. His gear and crank selection is really weird: he will be going 60 rpm at 44 kph for an hour in aero? His quads will be destroyed after 10 minutes from all the in/out of the banks tiny accelerations you have to do on the track. Maybe at least 80 rpm.

FWIW, the actual M65-69 record is 44 kph and it is not this guy.

He’s also a bit of a crank

The bit about someone smashing Ganna’s record if they ride with a proper “upright” position was A-grade trolling. :slight_smile:

The bit about someone smashing Ganna’s record if they ride with a proper “upright” position was A-grade trolling. :slight_smile:

I’m quite certain he actually believes this to be true.

The bit about someone smashing Ganna’s record if they ride with a proper “upright” position was A-grade trolling. :slight_smile:

I’m quite certain he actually believes this to be true.

Correct, Maas van Beek is not trolling about this what makes it even more 😆



He’s the new Frank Day on the time trialing fb group.

More like H20Fun, maybe, but… yup.

He’s the new Frank Day on the time trialing fb group.

I found this on Facebook in some suggested group about 1 hour time trial. It would not let me share the link. My thought here is he was on a 133m track instead of 200, giving miscount

I found this on Facebook in some suggested group about 1 hour time trial. It would not let me share the link. My thought here is he was on a 133m track instead of 200, giving miscount

No, definitely not the case. He’s a very pedigreed track rider with a confirmed world record. He has the chops to pull of an age group hour record, it’s just likely to be in spite of his… unusual… gear choices rather than because of them.

I am not familiar with this guy, but I appreciate he does have the derny hour record. Has he chased any of the previous AG records? I wonder if he is gambling on going 44 kph when he is 70 and not 51 kph when he was 52.

Well, if he pulls it off he might also set a record for biggest gear ridden for an hour.

Has he chased any of the previous AG records?

IIRC he set an age group hour record a while back but the bike didn’t conform to the UCI standard at the time so it was never ratified.

so three Km less than peak Eddy Merckx