Things that make you happy while you're running

The smell of bacon cooking

There’s a house near the trailhead I often run from where the older lady can be counted on to be making the best smelling pot roast EVER when I’m coming off the trail. One of these days I’m going to stop and knock on the door, inviting myself to dinner.

I could go on…

What’s stopping you?

Ever have a ay where you set out for, say 5 … then “Well, another half a mile down there and turn around, wouldn’t be so bad” … then “another mile wouldn’t kill me. I have time”

And so on

Be like that

The funny thing is, that’s pretty much how the above photo came about.

My program called for a 1hr50 run. I have to be home by 6.30am to get ready for work so my training is always done early in the morning. I’d got back to where I normally turn up my street a little earlier than planned. About half a mile further on is the park where we hold our club tris. I worked out I had time to run up there and back and still be home in time and I knew the sun would just be peeking over the island when I turned around.

I wasn’t disappointed. I shared this photo with my FB friends, rubbing it in to the ones that had stayed in bed and missed this beautiful morning.

Seeing fat people run or shuffle or walk along.

It gives me hope.

Also, I’m pretty fat so I’m happy to be and to see myself running :slight_smile:

I did a 10K last weekend and this really fat guy (fat, not just thick/solid) was in front of me at rego. He wound up smoking me. It was awesome and really nice to watch.

I have a recurring achilles issue - so just being able to run pain free is tremendous. I guess I’m thankful I can run at all given so many others who have challenges far greater than mine.

Love this thread! Definitely a lot of things going into this category these days:

  • Sunshine and mid-to-upper 60’s
  • Seeing cute girls and smiling dogs, especially when they’re together
  • Seeing people wearing shirts from races I’ve done and knowing they’re “one of us”
  • Feeling like I could hold my pace all day.
  • The trails in Prospect Park. Makes you feel like you’re not even in Brooklyn anymore.
  • Running across the Brooklyn Bridge at sunrise/sunset
  • Having kids yell compliments at my brightly colored shoes/fuel belt when I run through the “bad neighborhoods”
  • When one of my favorite songs comes on right as I need some extra motivation

etc., etc., etc.

That handful of days each year when you have peak fitness just before a big race, and you’re just cruising along in a workout, knowing you’re ready to crush dreams.

And pace booty. Always pace booty.

The silence of early morning.

The sound crushed limestone makes with each step.

EDIT: I can’t play this game anymore. They changed the train schedule after COVID and this is no longer true, unfortunately

When it hits that certain time of year in the fall where the weather is in the 50°f’s, humidity is low, and maybe a very light breeze; theres always that certain nature smell outside that just makes me feel euphoric and at peace.

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@davidpaulyoung Good save and thanks for moving to the RUNNING sub-forum

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