Things that came and went within your lifetime

Name three. Only rule is it did not exist before your date of birth and for all practical purposes no longer does.

Space shuttle missions
Phoenix Coyotes (after this season)
New Coke

Fax machines
Dollar coins
Hand held calculator

Cordless phones and Answering Machines
VCR Players/ Rewinders
Dial Up Modems

Downloading pirated music
Automatic seatbelts
Boom boxes

Downloading pirated music
Automatic seatbelts
Boom boxes

These are good.

Fax machines
Dollar coins
Hand held calculator

You’re 1 for 3 assuming you were born before 1967. We still use fax machines at work and dollar coins have been around in one form or another since the 1700s.

3 wheel ATVs
cable boxes
lawn darts (edit: nope, made in the 1950s)

The Walkman/Discman
Saturn Motors

Quiznos (is that totally gone?)

VeloNews message board. Anyone remember that? And specifically, Goatroper?

CDs, the round type
Cincinnati Reds World Series chances
SEGA gaming consoles

I’m wearing a beeper on my scrub pants as I type this.

Fax machines
Dollar coins
Hand held calculator

You’re 1 for 3 assuming you were born before 1967. We still use fax machines at work and dollar coins have been around in one form or another since the 1700s.

If you still use a fax you probably still use a slide rule.
The gold colored dollar coin was issued around 2000. Cant find them anywhere now.

CDs for music storage
Laser discs? for audio visual recording
iPod/digital music storage that’s not a phone
Dial up internet

Dial up internet

Fax machines
Dollar coins
Hand held calculator

You’re 1 for 3 assuming you were born before 1967. We still use fax machines at work and dollar coins have been around in one form or another since the 1700s.

If you still use a fax you probably still use a slide rule.
The gold colored dollar coin was issued around 2000. Cant find them anywhere now.

Community hospitals aren’t exactly the center of the tech universe these days. Faxes, pagers, land line phones, we keep it old school.

Grunge music
MTV as a music video company

3 wheel ATVs
cable boxes
lawn darts (edit: nope, made in the 1950s).

Brother in law has two of those ATV’s.
Myself and many people I know still have cable boxes. Stupid, I know.
I still have a set of vintage 1960 lawn darts but they have all but disappeared

Conversation pits.
Space Shuttle, if it was already listed I missed it
Stretch Armstrong

Fear of catching AIDS.

The Beatles