Things I learn from Rep soccer tryouts

So BLeP Jr v2.0 is 7 and went to Rep tryouts for the U8 squad.

Some background:

2.0 played house league this summer. He was the best player on his team and the team did not lose a game all summer. Official scores are not kept but let’s get real, we’re all keeping score.

Stupid me assumed that the Rep coach would some kind of pulse on the players in the house league. I don’t think I am wearing Dad googles when I say that 2.0 is probably a top 10 player in the league.

So stupid me was a little surprised when at the tryouts they had no clue who he was.

Stupid me also quickly realized that plenty of parents must be politicking as the coach definitely knew a bunch of the players. He named them and put them all on a field together. The rest got numbers and went to various fields.

Another parent suggested to me during the summer that 2.0 should try out for a different team for rep. Said the local team isn’t a great program. Turns out he volunteers for the local team and his son was trying out as well. So… was he trying to steer my boy away from the tryouts? Da fuq?

BLeP doesn’t play those games. I figured that if they don’t know who he is, they will figure it out quickly.

First tryout, he was not himself. Very lethargic, playing passively. Basically not standing out in any way, shape or form. Second tryout he played better but I didn’t think he stood out at all. At this point I figured he was doomed. 1 tryout left and he hasn’t done much.

Well it turns out that stupid me has no clue what the coaches are looking for in players because at the beginning of the third and final tryout he was named and out into the field you want to be on. I am still not sure what he did to get noticed.

At the third tryout, v2.0 showed up and played amazing. Smart passes, a few goals. Basically just doing what he did all summer.

They definitely noticed that. V2.0 was offered a spot on the team for the season. Dad goggles back on, they will know my boy soon enough.

First: I hope he’s having fun regardless of what team.

Second: what the hell is “Rep” soccer? I’m not familiar with the terms.

Third: they’re fucking 7!! Their in first grade. Still peeing their pants at times and learning to walk and chew gum at the same time would be a challenge. My best friends son is the same age and playing for a “Barca Academy” …this shit is the death of youth soccer in North America.

Also follow up to say congrats on the final tryout and showing needed to get him where you expected.

Didn’t mean for the previous reply to take away from
How much fun it’s gotta be for both of you.

I dusted off my cleats and played for the first time in 5 years with one goal in mind: having my daughter come watch me play in hopes that she wants to play as well. Tomorrow my wife is gonna bring her to watch my game and I’m anxious and excited about it.

So I can only hope to be in your shoes one day soon!

Rep soccer: competitive soccer. It’s called the Long Term Player Development Program.

I guess technically it’s not competitive since they don’t keep scores but you have to tryout to make the team and you are playing against kid from other towns we ho s as Leo had to tryout to get on their teams.

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I’m trying to figure out if this is satire. He’s seven, in a league that doesn’t keep score. R. E. L. A. X.

Cool !

Welcome to the stress of competitive youth sports. Kid tryouts were always more nerve wracking than games for me. Depending on the outcome, wife and I had the various “messages” thought through for the car ride just in case.

I started mine in soccer (bc that was “my” sport growing up), but my 2 kids preferred ice hockey, and vball. The stress is palpable.

Btw, isn’t ice hockey > than soccer for you guys up there?

I don’t know if they were inspired by their daughter’s rec soccer games, but a bunch of the soccer dads around here decided they would start playing some adult friendlies. A few months later half of them were injured. One took almost a year to recover from his ruptured achilles.

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I am pretty relaxed.

Coach of our kids middle school team flat out asked at tryouts who was on either A or B classic squad and ignored everyone else the entire time.

Again pay to play ruining American (read US ir Canadian) chances in intl futbol.

What’s good with this program is that there is no A/B squads. They have all the kids practice together and they balance the talent over the teams that they have. Again, they aren’t keeping score at this level so winning isn’t the name of the game. They are trying to develop talented players. At age 13 it gets more competitive.

I am not convinced that it is any more. Soccer overtook hockey for player registrations years ago.

This past season my son’s soccer league had 220 players. His hockey league had 96.

And after the upcoming world cup with games in Toronto… it will grow even more.

Around these parts it’s pretty multicultural so to many families soccer is #1.

I guess I meant not A or B, but just specific local squads. Not implying either as better.

So, change is afoot (pun intended)

Very aware of the risks. I rehab that shit daily lol. One of my friends who is also a PT started seeing me bc he ruptured his Achilles in his O-40 game.

That’s my fear. But thankfully this is a non-competitive 7v7 league on a very small field. Perfect speed for me to get some touches in!

First, congratulations to v2.0 for making the team (is this the one he really wanted to be on?).

Second, it’s all politics - doesn’t matter which sport. BUT - it all works itself out eventually. My kid (baseball) had some really crappy years and some great years. But the consistency/hard work has paid off and his skills skyrocketed this past year. Current goal is less focus on “making the roster” and more focus on individual progress. Getting on the team he wants will come with time.

He made his first choice team. Then two days later, he got an Offer from his second choice team as well.

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I am pretty relaxed.

First tryout, he was not himself. Very lethargic, playing passively. Basically not standing out in any way, shape or form.

Are you sure you are relaxed? Was he also being a twiddler, a dreamer, a sillyheart, and not taking his soccer carreer seriously? He’s 7.

As mentioned, I am very relaxed. Those were simply my observations. I know my son, I know that he’s one of the most energetic kids around and typically has 2 speeds, full speed and stop.

I think he was just tired that day. And this is why it’s good to have more than one tryout day. He had an off day, and bounced back.

At the end of the day, you can be assured that Canadian’s will never be able to beat the US in soccer.

Oh, wait. Nevermind.