These Burgers are getting Crazy

$18 Big Macs and $20 minimum wage, Gavinomics here we come (

So I enjoy my sandwiches, (lean turkey and grilled chicken mostly) but also enjoy the occasional burger every now and then. I have posted recently about the cost of things getting out of control to be met mostly with the left wing talking points that things are great, it’s all in your head, more people are working and to basically STFU about how much stuff costs.

Well, unfortunately, now the sorry burgers at Mickey D’s are even getting in on the act. We know that poor folks eat fast food a lot because it is largely cheap ( terrible for you) but that is another argument. Thanks to these great new policies by Newsome, the poor folks will have to just go hungry instead of getting that $18 Big mac they can’t afford.

The few folks that remain employed ( after all the layoffs) at the fast-food joints will enjoy the raise until they have to purchase their fast food for dinner.

Big Macs are $6 here in FL. I just looked up what a Big Mac costs in San Fran: $7.89. A far cry from “and it’s quite possible that across California it won’t be long before a Big Mac alone costs $18 or more in the Golden State.”

A Fox News opinion piece about CA and Newsom. Nothing more.

Big Macs are $6 here in FL. I just looked up what a Big Mac costs in San Fran: $7.89. A far cry from “and it’s quite possible that across California it won’t be long before a Big Mac alone costs $18 or more in the Golden State.”

A Fox News opinion piece about CA and Newsom. Nothing more.

Did you read the article? It says they cost that in the northeast and won’t be long before they are that in CA, with a quote from the head of McD’s.

What do you think happens when the employee you were paying $10 an hour is now making $20 an hour? Do you think that will get passed along to the customer?

Again, things are great, costs are not going up, nothing to see here. Talking points are on point.

Getting a Big Mac through Door Dash in my town is $6.49 total. You really need to get your head out of your ass and start looking at different sources for your news. It won’t fit your narrative but maybe, just maybe, you’ll gain some intelligence.

Your source claims that a 10% hike in minimum wage depresses restaurant employment by 2%. It cites, among others, a paper co-authored by Reich. I pulled up the paper. It actually finds “no adverse employment effects.”

Big Macs are $6 here in FL. I just looked up what a Big Mac costs in San Fran: $7.89. A far cry from “and it’s quite possible that across California it won’t be long before a Big Mac alone costs $18 or more in the Golden State.”

A Fox News opinion piece about CA and Newsom. Nothing more.

Did you read the article? It says they cost that in the northeast and won’t be long before they are that in CA, with a quote from the head of McD’s.

What do you think happens when the employee you were paying $10 an hour is now making $20 an hour? Do you think that will get passed along to the customer?

Again, things are great, costs are not going up, nothing to see here. Talking points are on point.

My town is starting McD workers at $15 now, in PA, they have been steadily trying to use kiosk for about 6 years now and reducing their staff. This is all about increasing their bottom line and has very little to do with the minimum wage. Hell, they can’t get workers now for $15/hr because they screw them around on shift work so they can’t work a schedule.

There is a picture from a rest stop in CT showing a $18.99 meal, 10 miles away, it’s $11.89 on GrubHub.

I travel to New Jersey and Baltimore, prices are not that different from my home.

Getting a Big Mac through Door Dash in my town is $6.49 total. You really need to get your head out of your ass and start looking at different sources for your news. It won’t fit your narrative but maybe, just maybe, you’ll gain some intelligence.

See above. And try getting one in Darien Conn. The quote from the big mac himself is telling and let me know how much that burger costs after the $20 minimum wage has been around for awhile. So short sighted you folks.

If you, like your buddy, think you can pay a fast food worker $20 and hour up from $7.59 or $10 an hour and the cost won’t go up, you are not the brightest bulb in the lamp.

But as all those on your side seem to say, nothing to see here, folks are not struggling with food costs, everything is great.

Keep selling that line to the lady that can’t feed her kids.

Well a big mac here is $5.18.

But why would you buy a big mac, not really a healthy choice.

Cant check California prices as App is showing breakfast there now.

It amazes me, that anyone with any intellegence would not take the 5 min, to actually fact check things that are pretty easy to check. granted I have to wait a few hours, but then I can see the price anywhere in California. I mean I can check the price anywhere in the world if I wanted.

A quick search about Darien, CT and its burgers and you find articles explaining that most locations are franchisees, so they can set their own prices and that specific location has an average household income over $424,000…so it looks like it has nothing to do with Fox BS (shocking) but rather people taking advantage of the free market and what others are willing to pay…




It’s almost as if he is a touch disingenuous.

Big Macs are $6 here in FL. I just looked up what a Big Mac costs in San Fran: $7.89. A far cry from “and it’s quite possible that across California it won’t be long before a Big Mac alone costs $18 or more in the Golden State.”

A Fox News opinion piece about CA and Newsom. Nothing more.

I like how they found a really high priced McD’s in Connecticut, with no context about why that is higher priced, and extrapolate to all of California. That is some well thought out analysis.

Well a big mac here is $5.18.

But why would you buy a big mac, not really a healthy choice.

Cant check California prices as App is showing breakfast there now.

It amazes me, that anyone with any intellegence would not take the 5 min, to actually fact check things that are pretty easy to check. granted I have to wait a few hours, but then I can see the price anywhere in California. I mean I can check the price anywhere in the world if I wanted.

Put you down as another one that thinks raising costs for the employer won’t effect the cost of goods? Got it. Hope for the sake of the poor folks this is true or some little kid won’t be getting his burger. But all is well, all is well. The rich 1% on a tri forum seem to think things don’t cost too much so screw the poor folks.

You guys are heartless.

Havnt we all bought incredibly overpriced food at various locations? The Wendys at my airport has standard adult meals for like 15 bucks. Places where rent is high causes high prices.

next thing you know people will start complaining that places in Vegas serve $20 tall boy bud lights.

The price of a soda at my local McDs has risen from 1–>2 bucks, but if you use the app its still around 1.15.

Big Macs are $6 here in FL. I just looked up what a Big Mac costs in San Fran: $7.89. A far cry from “and it’s quite possible that across California it won’t be long before a Big Mac alone costs $18 or more in the Golden State.”

A Fox News opinion piece about CA and Newsom. Nothing more.

Did you read the article? It says they cost that in the northeast and won’t be long before they are that in CA, with a quote from the head of McD’s.

What do you think happens when the employee you were paying $10 an hour is now making $20 an hour? Do you think that will get passed along to the customer?

Again, things are great, costs are not going up, nothing to see here. Talking points are on point.
Did you read the article. It says a meal costs $18 in the most expensive McDonald’s they could find and claims that the sandwich alone will soon cost $18 in CA due to a $4 increase in the minimum hourly wage. Somehow this Fox “journalist” is expecting the cost of the sandwich to increase more than 125% based on a 25% increase in labor cost.

……It won’t fit your narrative but maybe, just maybe, you’ll gain some intelligence.

I stepped away from here for over a year and you all are still going at it. SDG is and always has been here to troll everyone because they get such a great reaction. Laying the biggest piles of crap and the same people say the same things like SDG is ever going to “learn” anything. They are not here to learn. They are here to antagonize.

I actually hopped into this thread after seeing the title in the hopes I could respond to a serious post from them. This is one of those times where things are probably bad enough that there is no reason to embellish what’s actually happening. Eating out has gotten very expensive. I’d say we’ve cut down our restaurant expenses by at least 50% in the past 2 years. We don’t eat much fast food and I can’t find a decent burger for less than $15. Lucky if that comes with a side. Probably a $2-3 up-charge to sub a green for fries. Restaurants closing down all over the place around us. I’ve never understood how so many can make it, even in the best of conditions.

Big Macs are $6 here in FL. I just looked up what a Big Mac costs in San Fran: $7.89. A far cry from “and it’s quite possible that across California it won’t be long before a Big Mac alone costs $18 or more in the Golden State.”

A Fox News opinion piece about CA and Newsom. Nothing more.

Did you read the article? It says they cost that in the northeast and won’t be long before they are that in CA, with a quote from the head of McD’s.

What do you think happens when the employee you were paying $10 an hour is now making $20 an hour? Do you think that will get passed along to the customer?

Again, things are great, costs are not going up, nothing to see here. Talking points are on point.
$10 / hr… Starting around here is $15 / hr at McDonalds,

But lets go with that. Say it goes up $10 per hour, and a typical McDonald’s has 5 employees working, I have seen way less not often much more.

so that is an added cost of $50 every hour to the store. It seems they avg around 200 burgers per hour per store. (could not find a good number on that)… That works out to be a 25 cents per burger, and that’s not putting any burden on the fries, drinks, or other things.

Your math just doesnt add up…

……It won’t fit your narrative but maybe, just maybe, you’ll gain some intelligence.

I stepped away from here for over a year and you all are still going at it. SDG is and always has been here to troll everyone because they get such a great reaction. Laying the biggest piles of crap and the same people say the same things like SDG is ever going to “learn” anything. They are not here to learn. They are here to antagonize.

I actually hopped into this thread after seeing the title in the hopes I could respond to a serious post from them. This is one of those times where things are probably bad enough that there is no reason to embellish what’s actually happening. Eating out has gotten very expensive. I’d say we’ve cut down our restaurant expenses by at least 50% in the past 2 years. We don’t eat much fast food and I can’t find a decent burger for less than $15. Lucky if that comes with a side. Probably a $2-3 up-charge to sub a green for fries. Restaurants closing down all over the place around us. I’ve never understood how so many can make it, even in the best of conditions.

This is pretty funny. You start by bashing me and then go on to agree with me about food costs. Bravo, Bravo…

Big Macs are $6 here in FL. I just looked up what a Big Mac costs in San Fran: $7.89. A far cry from “and it’s quite possible that across California it won’t be long before a Big Mac alone costs $18 or more in the Golden State.”

A Fox News opinion piece about CA and Newsom. Nothing more.

Did you read the article? It says they cost that in the northeast and won’t be long before they are that in CA, with a quote from the head of McD’s.

What do you think happens when the employee you were paying $10 an hour is now making $20 an hour? Do you think that will get passed along to the customer?

Again, things are great, costs are not going up, nothing to see here. Talking points are on point.
$10 / hr… Starting around here is $15 / hr at McDonalds,

But lets go with that. Say it goes up $10 per hour, and a typical McDonald’s has 5 employees working, I have seen way less not often much more.

so that is an added cost of $50 every hour to the store. It seems they avg around 200 burgers per hour per store. (could not find a good number on that)… That works out to be a 25 cents per burger, and that’s not putting any burden on the fries, drinks, or other things.

Your math just doesnt add up…

then why not make the minimum $45 an hour? Let’s move it to a real wage? How about $100 an hour?

Cost’s go up, prices go up. Prices go up anymore, and folks can’t eat. Even the guy bashing me agrees with me.

But you keep pounding the drum that costs aren’t really going up, screw the poor folks and lets just pretend all is well.

If I was like AxilF I would post the meme with the mouse sitting in a housefire saying “All is well”

Well a big mac here is $5.18.

But why would you buy a big mac, not really a healthy choice.

Cant check California prices as App is showing breakfast there now.

It amazes me, that anyone with any intellegence would not take the 5 min, to actually fact check things that are pretty easy to check. granted I have to wait a few hours, but then I can see the price anywhere in California. I mean I can check the price anywhere in the world if I wanted.

Put you down as another one that thinks raising costs for the employer won’t effect the cost of goods? Got it. Hope for the sake of the poor folks this is true or some little kid won’t be getting his burger. But all is well, all is well. The rich 1% on a tri forum seem to think things don’t cost too much so screw the poor folks.

You guys are heartless.

well you forget the otherside of that equation, that employee now has twice as much money to go spend on other things.

There was a visionary in the auto industry once, who realized if I pay may people more they can afford to buy my cars and I can sell more, and if i sell more I can sell them for less and so he announced and shocked the world, he would pay his workers a minimum $5 per day… OMG can you imagine paying someone $5 per day to work at a factory… and Ford motor company, become the significant car company it is today with radical thinking like that… Man $5 per day… good thing no one ever raised rates since then, we just could not afford anything if they did.

Big Macs are $6 here in FL. I just looked up what a Big Mac costs in San Fran: $7.89. A far cry from “and it’s quite possible that across California it won’t be long before a Big Mac alone costs $18 or more in the Golden State.”

A Fox News opinion piece about CA and Newsom. Nothing more.

Did you read the article? It says they cost that in the northeast and won’t be long before they are that in CA, with a quote from the head of McD’s.

What do you think happens when the employee you were paying $10 an hour is now making $20 an hour? Do you think that will get passed along to the customer?

Again, things are great, costs are not going up, nothing to see here. Talking points are on point.
$10 / hr… Starting around here is $15 / hr at McDonalds,

But lets go with that. Say it goes up $10 per hour, and a typical McDonald’s has 5 employees working, I have seen way less not often much more.

so that is an added cost of $50 every hour to the store. It seems they avg around 200 burgers per hour per store. (could not find a good number on that)… That works out to be a 25 cents per burger, and that’s not putting any burden on the fries, drinks, or other things.

Your math just doesnt add up…

then why not make the minimum $45 an hour? Let’s move it to a real wage? How about $100 an hour?

Cost’s go up, prices go up. Prices go up anymore, and folks can’t eat. Even the guy bashing me agrees with me.

But you keep pounding the drum that costs aren’t really going up, screw the poor folks and lets just pretend all is well.

If I was like AxilF I would post the meme with the mouse sitting in a housefire saying “All is well”

Well around here, you could get zero people to work for minimum wage, every employer pays more, so you could raise it and have no impact.

You also seem to ignore that the $10 wage increase would only add 25cents to that burger.

So if you had to pay $1 more per meal, but the staff was paid double you would not do it?