The Trump Presidency 2.0 Megathread

We might as well have a 6-month preamble.

What guardrails/adults will there be this time, if any?

Will a second Civil War begin?

Will USA still be a Democracy by 2028?

We might as well have a 6-month preamble.

What guardrails/adults will there be this time, if any?

Will a second Civil War begin?

Will USA still be a Democracy by 2028?

The lack of adults in the room will be scary. But the risk of the end of democracy and civil war are way over stated.

We might as well have a 6-month preamble.

What guardrails/adults will there be this time, if any?

Will a second Civil War begin?

Will USA still be a Democracy by 2028?

It’s going to be a wild ride!

In a way, at this point I would almost like to see trump win and do everything that we think he is going to do. That might force every Republican congress person and MAGA voter have to defend their support of the lunatic and his corruption, and finally rid us of the scourge that is MAGA.

Unwad your panties all will be ok.

Unwad your panties all will be ok.

That sounds better in the original German.

That’s what everyone said last time and then the peaceful transfer of power wasn’t, people died, and hundreds went to prison. That wasn’t ok. Why would I believe all will be ok this time, when all the predicates for it being much, much worse are in place?

We might as well have a 6-month preamble.

What guardrails/adults will there be this time, if any?

Will a second Civil War begin?

Will USA still be a Democracy by 2028?

The lack of adults in the room will be scary. But the risk of the end of democracy and civil war are way over stated.

If he removes protections for civil servants (Schedule F), he can put whoever is most loyal (competence be damned) in formerly apolitical positions. There will be nobody to stop political persecutions. SCOTUS has formally given him permission to do whatever he wants without fear of repercussions. Who is going to stop him from doing those things that are typical of a dictatorship and anathema to a democracy? Instead of reasonably competent military officers, we’ll have Flynn at the top (somewhere). Anything that can be skewed to represent his evangelical base will be done (education, civil rights, foreign policy, etc.).

That sounds like the end of democracy. Please tell us who will prevent that from happening. Spineless Republican Senators? Yeah, sure.



That’s pretty good :slight_smile:

In a way, at this point I would almost like to see trump win and do everything that we think he is going to do. That might force every Republican congress person and MAGA voter have to defend their support of the lunatic and his corruption, and finally rid us of the scourge that is MAGA.

After J6 many senior Republicans came out strongly against Trump. Then when they saw the polls, they quickly backtracked and kissed his ring. There is absolutely nothing that is so bad that Trump could do that would lose him the support of the party, UNLESS the voters start to reject him. And they have been shown to be loyal no matter what. The propaganda machine is just too strong. Rupert Murdoch has a lot to answer for.

That’s what everyone said last time and then the peaceful transfer of power wasn’t, people died, and hundreds went to prison. That wasn’t ok. Why would I believe all will be ok this time, when all the predicates for it being much, much worse are in place?


That’s what everyone said last time and then the peaceful transfer of power wasn’t, people died, and hundreds went to prison. That wasn’t ok. Why would I believe all will be ok this time, when all the predicates for it being much, much worse are in place?


If we’re both still here, can we make that 54 months?

We might as well have a 6-month preamble.

What guardrails/adults will there be this time, if any?

Will a second Civil War begin?

Will USA still be a Democracy by 2028?

The lack of adults in the room will be scary. But the risk of the end of democracy and civil war are way over stated.

If he removes protections for civil servants (Schedule F), he can put whoever is most loyal (competence be damned) in formerly apolitical positions. There will be nobody to stop political persecutions. SCOTUS has formally given him permission to do whatever he wants without fear of repercussions. Who is going to stop him from doing those things that are typical of a dictatorship and anathema to a democracy? Instead of reasonably competent military officers, we’ll have Flynn at the top (somewhere). Anything that can be skewed to represent his evangelical base will be done (education, civil rights, foreign policy, etc.).

That sounds like the end of democracy. Please tell us who will prevent that from happening. Spineless Republican Senators? Yeah, sure.

2026 will be a huge blue wave of that is the case.

I’d hope that if that is the reality that the Democratic leadership and Biden would react. And we’d have a competent alternative. But since they appear to be willing to punt the election, I’m going to assume that the institutional inertia will prevent the end of democracy.

We might as well have a 6-month preamble.

What guardrails/adults will there be this time, if any?

Will a second Civil War begin?

Will USA still be a Democracy by 2028?

The lack of adults in the room will be scary. But the risk of the end of democracy and civil war are way over stated.

If he removes protections for civil servants (Schedule F), he can put whoever is most loyal (competence be damned) in formerly apolitical positions. There will be nobody to stop political persecutions. SCOTUS has formally given him permission to do whatever he wants without fear of repercussions. Who is going to stop him from doing those things that are typical of a dictatorship and anathema to a democracy? Instead of reasonably competent military officers, we’ll have Flynn at the top (somewhere). Anything that can be skewed to represent his evangelical base will be done (education, civil rights, foreign policy, etc.).

That sounds like the end of democracy. Please tell us who will prevent that from happening. Spineless Republican Senators? Yeah, sure.

2026 will be a huge blue wave of that is the case.

I’d hope that if that is the reality that the Democratic leadership and Biden would react. And we’d have a competent alternative. But since they appear to be willing to punt the election, I’m going to assume that the institutional inertia will prevent the end of democracy.

You are assuming trump decides to go ahead with the elections in 2 years.

We might as well have a 6-month preamble.

What guardrails/adults will there be this time, if any?

Will a second Civil War begin?

Will USA still be a Democracy by 2028?

The lack of adults in the room will be scary. But the risk of the end of democracy and civil war are way over stated.

If he removes protections for civil servants (Schedule F), he can put whoever is most loyal (competence be damned) in formerly apolitical positions. There will be nobody to stop political persecutions. SCOTUS has formally given him permission to do whatever he wants without fear of repercussions. Who is going to stop him from doing those things that are typical of a dictatorship and anathema to a democracy? Instead of reasonably competent military officers, we’ll have Flynn at the top (somewhere). Anything that can be skewed to represent his evangelical base will be done (education, civil rights, foreign policy, etc.).

That sounds like the end of democracy. Please tell us who will prevent that from happening. Spineless Republican Senators? Yeah, sure.

2026 will be a huge blue wave of that is the case.

I’d hope that if that is the reality that the Democratic leadership and Biden would react. And we’d have a competent alternative. But since they appear to be willing to punt the election, I’m going to assume that the institutional inertia will prevent the end of democracy.

You are assuming trump decides to go ahead with the elections in 2 years.

The Supreme Court has already given President immunity\secrecy with DOJ - a President Trump could use DOJ to indict any candidate he wishes, have a ‘military tribunal’ and throw in jail. Doing this may work through the Federal Courts and ultimately the SC . . . but in the meanwhile another election cycle has gone by. Trump has already said he would throw Biden, Harris and Cheney in jail.

We might as well have a 6-month preamble.

What guardrails/adults will there be this time, if any?

Will a second Civil War begin?

Will USA still be a Democracy by 2028?

The lack of adults in the room will be scary. But the risk of the end of democracy and civil war are way over stated.

If he removes protections for civil servants (Schedule F), he can put whoever is most loyal (competence be damned) in formerly apolitical positions. There will be nobody to stop political persecutions. SCOTUS has formally given him permission to do whatever he wants without fear of repercussions. Who is going to stop him from doing those things that are typical of a dictatorship and anathema to a democracy? Instead of reasonably competent military officers, we’ll have Flynn at the top (somewhere). Anything that can be skewed to represent his evangelical base will be done (education, civil rights, foreign policy, etc.).

That sounds like the end of democracy. Please tell us who will prevent that from happening. Spineless Republican Senators? Yeah, sure.

2026 will be a huge blue wave of that is the case.

I’d hope that if that is the reality that the Democratic leadership and Biden would react. And we’d have a competent alternative. But since they appear to be willing to punt the election, I’m going to assume that the institutional inertia will prevent the end of democracy.

You are assuming trump decides to go ahead with the elections in 2 years.

Maybe I have more faith in the country.

Which would seem far fetched if we hadn’t already seen Trump throw an unfavored American citizen in solitary confinement for pissing him off.

We might as well have a 6-month preamble.

What guardrails/adults will there be this time, if any?

Will a second Civil War begin?

Will USA still be a Democracy by 2028?

The lack of adults in the room will be scary. But the risk of the end of democracy and civil war are way over stated.

If he removes protections for civil servants (Schedule F), he can put whoever is most loyal (competence be damned) in formerly apolitical positions. There will be nobody to stop political persecutions. SCOTUS has formally given him permission to do whatever he wants without fear of repercussions. Who is going to stop him from doing those things that are typical of a dictatorship and anathema to a democracy? Instead of reasonably competent military officers, we’ll have Flynn at the top (somewhere). Anything that can be skewed to represent his evangelical base will be done (education, civil rights, foreign policy, etc.).

That sounds like the end of democracy. Please tell us who will prevent that from happening. Spineless Republican Senators? Yeah, sure.

2026 will be a huge blue wave of that is the case.

I’d hope that if that is the reality that the Democratic leadership and Biden would react. And we’d have a competent alternative. But since they appear to be willing to punt the election, I’m going to assume that the institutional inertia will prevent the end of democracy.

Blue wave? Have you been paying attention to the Republican playbook of challenging every possible voting right in every state? Voting boxes, mail-in votes, “scrubbing” voter rolls. They know they don’t have the numbers (especially going forward), so they have to restrict the voting rights of those who would vote Democratic. They got SCOTUS to gut the Voting Rights Act, and Trump appointee judges are working on completely emasculating it.

There’s no such thing as “institutional inertia.” It’s the people. If Project 2025 is followed, those people who represent “institutional inertia” will be purged, lackeys will be put in their place, and goodbye democracy.

That’s what everyone said last time and then the peaceful transfer of power wasn’t, people died, and hundreds went to prison. That wasn’t ok. Why would I believe all will be ok this time, when all the predicates for it being much, much worse are in place?

Gonna be a bloodbath. Says he will be a Dictator day 1.

No more Democracy. Existentially he’s a threat

Court will try to stop him but he will find a way to do it

He’s a real danger to the country. To Democracy. We should put a bullseye on him. Not crosshairs. Just to focus on what he’s saying I mean