The Spoilers-Vuelta 2024

He was going so well. Rough.

He did some damage to the cliff on the way out, so ya gotta give props for that!!

They used up all their good luck last year, apparently.

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hope his Worlds isn’t impacted too much

At To , SQS’ Remco > Ala > Magnier leadout is kind of a ridiculous

Vine’s stache and squint make him look like an Irish gangster on his way to dinner in Atlantic City.


Holy Crap, Wout better go see a which doctor or something.
This is Crazy.
From having a chance to win 2 Jerseys, to nothing… (ok 3 stage wins)

With those glasses VPP looks like the sax player in the Muppets band.

Landa Landa Landa

Cmon Paz.

Here comes the Soler!

Benny battles. Nice.

I am a big TVL/huge Wout stan so this definitely sucks.

I muttered to myself at the start of the stage “this rain is going to cause some unhinged crashes”. I wasn’t wrong. Still swearing at the TV. I swear the RDs live for bloodbath days like this.

At least Wout took out half the mountain when he crashed into it.

Just a quick question.
Did the other thread go away?.

I think some of the more active / longer threads didn’t auto-migrate to the new forum, and required some manual poking by the admins. So it may show up eventually, but in the meantime, it’s stuck somewhere in the ether.

It wasn’t a size issue

The Ashley Horner thread had 4K+ replies, and she made it over

I think it was a timing thing, where some threads from last week, just a day or two prior to the Flip, got “misplaced” shall we say?

I’m sure they’re in the bumblefuck of wires, someplace

We should have trademarked the treasure trove of nicknames.

… Or kept a Google docs Master List someplace with a Decoder Ring

Bring back Oscar Wilde Gato.

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Ouch van Aert has been done 9 times in races this year.

Don’t worry. A few years ago multiple were used live on GCN. Someone here is tweeting them or there was a mole!


I remember that. Was it Jungel Bob? I think someone called him Bob of the Jungle.
They were clearly lurking.


Michael Woods is out today