The Spoilers-Vuelta 2024

I wish I could remember what they were (maybe one day the old threads will resurrect), but I recall us discussing it at the time. There were a few months years ago where multiple names I never heard outside of here were broadcast or mentioned live.

Also, just a shout out to the good members who are here contributing and reading. I’m glad you are all here. There is a lot of fun banter, bullshit and legitimately great info amongst the community. Things were so shaky post migration, I expected a mass exodus and I didn’t know where that would be to. As someone who doesn’t have social media accounts and just follows interesting things my friends share privately, I really appreciate this community.


I had a thought while running this morning to possible utilize The Wayback Machine at to at least give us a path to resurrecting our good work

I had success with the T3 thread and was hopeful,;post=4092051

but the “bike racing spectator” thread provided us nothing

Wout is done racing for the season. :frowning: Probably best for his head and body, but what a shame.

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Let’s all pour out some tripel for Thomas De Tank. He’s (maybe) in his last breakaway ever today.


What was the medical report from his crash? I suspected a broken knee, but reports say “no fractures”

Also, will that cliff ever recover?

Please add to The Nickname Thread

I will, but only after giving the original coiner a chance first to take credit. Who did that…a McNulty special?

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That’s quite gracious of you!!!

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sad face gifs | WiffleGif

I was really looking forward to seeing him race in Zurich in a few weeks.

Kern Dogs!
Kernin’ down the house!
Feel the Kern!

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Not sure but I do feel sort of territorial about the nicknames we’ve come up with here for guys in the peloton.

Blockquote[quote=“likes_bikes, post:63, topic:1067849, full:true”]
Wout is done racing for the season. :frowning: Probably best for his head and body, but what a shame.

Hopefully not one of those ligament/tendon issues that can be even trickier to heal than a ‘simple’ bone fracture.

Helluva Vuelta for those hombres.

Landismosaurs Rex having a jour sans and that’s the end of that. Was hoping for a good result for him here. Mas vs Carapaz should be fun over the next few days.

Still a nice tight battle for the white jersey with C-Rod, Skjelly and Lipowitz all within 30s.

Gutted for Wout - he was looking great.

Technically, he’d frown at wasted ale. He probably would also prefer if his admiring fans (which is to say, many of us here) would drink a quadruppel. Unfortunately, all that stuff is way too strong for me at the moment (haven’t touched beer in months, even though Belgian ales are my fav)

I think a certain forumite does commentary on FloBikes for some of the minor bike races.

All fair points! I think he’ll be downing a quad or two next week. In his interview today he sounded absolutely done with pro cycling.

100% agree. made a point to remember most of them and that was half the fun, simply keeping up.

“I’ll be eating things that I shouldn’t”

C’mon, that’s just a normal Holiday break, isn’t it?

I know who all of the references refer to, yet the contributors here to them slip my memory.

Whoever gave us Oier Coma Va, announce yourself though… I’ve called Oier for ill-advised wins all year that never materialized.

Regardless, that is a badass name and I’ve laughed about it since spring of this year every time he rides.

They are fun and are tied to good people with some insight. I feel a bit of the same as you mentioned. That to me is why I loved those threads and the banter. There was pointless info, great info and all between.