The South is rising again

They may be insurrectionists but they’re our insurrectionists!

Just up the road from us…

Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names

A Virginia school board has approved a motion for two schools to revert to their Confederate names following a debate that bitterly divided a town.

The Shenandoah County School Board voted 5-1 to reinstate the names of Stonewall Jackson High and Ashby-Lee Elementary in Quicksburg.

Community members had been pushing for a reversal, arguing the 2020 name change was unpopular.

The vote marked the first such U-turn anywhere in the US

I have a hard time buying the heritage not hate argument based on my experience. I don’t doubt there are some folks out there that feel that way, but based on the people I grew up around southern pride and hate or at least some level of racism went hand in hand.

I think we should just deport them all, back to where they came from.

The heritage they’re so proud of is one of treason and insurrection against the United States. Got it.

The heritage they’re so proud of is one of treason and insurrection against the United States. Got it.

You left out, in an effort to continue owning human beings as a source of free labor.

The heritage they’re so proud of is one of treason and insurrection against the United States. Got it.

You left out, in an effort to continue owning human beings as a source of free labor.

Nah, did that on purpose because some LR jackass will come along and say it was about states rights not slavery, leaving out the right they wanted to keep was slavery. Hopefully now that we’ve covered that base it won’t be tried.

I have a hard time buying the heritage not hate argument based on my experience. I don’t doubt there are some folks out there that feel that way, but based on the people I grew up around southern pride and hate or at least some level of racism went hand in hand.

Generalizing based on my observations, I think people in these areas (I live in the Shenandoah Valley) are more offended by the perception of PC initiatives like this, and change that they see as unnecessary and disruptive to the world they grew up in, than they are in investing in how it affects other people. It’s passive tolerance and self centeredness more so than malice or overt racism.

Our local high school used to be named for Robert E. Lee. They were known as the Leemen. People still grumble about the change. The business road that parallels the interstate, Route 11, is Lee Highway. I don’t know if it’s called that officially anymore, but it’s still known by the name. This is rural central Virginia, so it’s understandable that people would be reticent to let it go, but at some point you have to confront the reality of it all and give a shit about what it represents and how your friends and neighbors are affected by it. Let the change happen even if the names don’t bother you, at a minimum.

It’s a cultural identity that they’ve mentally separated from the reality of the Confederacy and they don’t want taken away by liberals and the rich men north of Richmond. In a nutshell.

The heritage they’re so proud of is one of treason and insurrection against the United States. Got it.

You left out, in an effort to continue owning human beings as a source of free labor.

Nah, did that on purpose because some LR jackass will come along and say it was about states rights not slavery, leaving out the right they wanted to keep was slavery. Hopefully now that we’ve covered that base it won’t be tried.

The state right to enslave. Only a horse’s ass would argue it was different.

The great-great-grandson of Jackson, Warren Christian, joined the dissenting voices of the decision to restore Shenandoah County’s school names.

Christian told CNN’s Victor Blackwell on Saturday morning that he was “saddened” and “disappointed” in the decision. However, he added: “As a firm believer in democracy, public schooling and local control of schools, I respect their right to rename the school, and I respect their right to do what is morally wrong.”

Jackson’s descendant talked of a “courageous” eighth grade student named Aaliyah “who stood up in front of the school board and she said, ‘I’m a Black student and if the names are restored, I would have to represent a man who fought for my ancestors to be slaves. That makes me feel like I’m disrespecting my ancestors and going against what my family and I believe.’”

Confederate General’s Descendant Rebukes Decision to Honor His Ancestor (

Imagine showing up to the school board meeting and arguing that the public school where Aaliyah attends should be renamed for a man who fought to enslave her and her family.

The group responsible for pushing the regressive name said that 91.3% of county residents wanted the names restored.

I have a hard time buying the heritage not hate argument based on my experience. I don’t doubt there are some folks out there that feel that way, but based on the people I grew up around southern pride and hate or at least some level of racism went hand in hand.

It is so obviously hate. Longstreet was one of the most important generals in the confederate army. Yet you don’t see all sorts of statues and schools named after him. Yet, they incompetent generals and others are celebrated everywhere.

So why not Longstreet. Because after the was Longstreet accepted the loss and embraced the blacks as equal citizens to whites. He led the New Orleans integrated police force and fought white supremacists that were trying to keep blacks from voting on multiple occasions.

George Henry Thomas was an incredibly important and successful general during the civil war and from Virginia. Why does he not have all sorts of statues in Virginia? Was it because he stayed loyal to the union? How is he not as much a part of Virginia’s heritage as the confederate generals?

Who they put up as statues or name schools after make it very clear this is about hate.

This is the ONLY Longstreet that matters

Generalized based on my interactions, those that are of the respect my right to celebrate my heritage type are the first ones in line to tell you how sick they are of hearing about black people and the civil rights movement. The get over it crowd. It was generations ago, what do you want me to do about it crowd. That comes off a bit hypocritical and as “passive intolerance and self-centeredness.”

I’m between where MTG went to HS and where her congressional district sits. The county she spent her formative years is as textbook south as it gets. Early 1900’s black men get accused of raping a white woman, they get hanged in public, one of them after being dragged out of the jail and shot. All 1000+ black residents are run out of the county and their land and assets are stolen. Still 100% white until 1987, only 40 black residents out of 75k in the late 90’s (MTG graduated in 92). Now it’s a booming suburb of Atlanta, big technology, housing, great schools, great hospital, possibly new NHL team located there. Land is quite valuable. No one wants to talk about that heritage.

The heritage they’re so proud of is one of treason and insurrection against the United States. Got it.

You left out, in an effort to continue owning human beings as a source of free labor.

Nah, did that on purpose because some LR jackass will come along and say it was about states rights not slavery, leaving out the right they wanted to keep was slavery. Hopefully now that we’ve covered that base it won’t be tried.

The state right to enslave. Only a horse’s ass would argue it was different.

sdg or tyler should be coming along to give the horse’s ass side of the argument.

The heritage they’re so proud of is one of treason and insurrection against the United States. Got it.

You left out, in an effort to continue owning human beings as a source of free labor.

Nah, did that on purpose because some LR jackass will come along and say it was about states rights not slavery, leaving out the right they wanted to keep was slavery. Hopefully now that we’ve covered that base it won’t be tried.

The state right to enslave. Only a horse’s ass would argue it was different.

sdg or tyler should be coming along to give the horse’s ass side of the argument.

Oh Swede it’s nice that I may occupy so much space in your old brain, but you might want to STFU on this topic.

The old racists south has no part to play in the current Union of our nation and should be forgotten. WE should also not forget that many of the North also owned slaves, fought for the north, but at the same time really didn’t want blacks to have equal rights and were barely much better than many southerners when it came to owning people. None of those people should be revered fondly either. A stain on our nation we should never forget. As slavery was with so many nations and countries in the past.

Go have some oatmeal and some prune juice Swede. Maybe it will put you in a better mood.

The heritage they’re so proud of is one of treason and insurrection against the United States. Got it.

You left out, in an effort to continue owning human beings as a source of free labor.

Nah, did that on purpose because some LR jackass will come along and say it was about states rights not slavery, leaving out the right they wanted to keep was slavery. Hopefully now that we’ve covered that base it won’t be tried.

The state right to enslave. Only a horse’s ass would argue it was different.

sdg or tyler should be coming along to give the horse’s ass side of the argument.

Oh Swede it’s nice that I may occupy so much space in your old brain, but you might want to STFU on this topic.

The old racists south has no part to play in the current Union of our nation and** should be forgotten**. WE should also not forget that many of the North also owned slaves, fought for the north, but at the same time really didn’t want blacks to have equal rights and were barely much better than many southerners when it came to owning people. None of those people should be revered fondly either. A stain on our nation we should never forget. As slavery was with so many nations and countries in the past.

Go have some oatmeal and some prune juice Swede. Maybe it will put you in a better mood.

You’re probably right - best to just forget it ever happened and move on.

The heritage they’re so proud of is one of treason and insurrection against the United States. Got it.

You left out, in an effort to continue owning human beings as a source of free labor.

Nah, did that on purpose because some LR jackass will come along and say it was about states rights not slavery, leaving out the right they wanted to keep was slavery. Hopefully now that we’ve covered that base it won’t be tried.

The state right to enslave. Only a horse’s ass would argue it was different.

sdg or tyler should be coming along to give the horse’s ass side of the argument.

Oh Swede it’s nice that I may occupy so much space in your old brain, but you might want to STFU on this topic.

The old racists south has no part to play in the current Union of our nation and** should be forgotten**. WE should also not forget that many of the North also owned slaves, fought for the north, but at the same time really didn’t want blacks to have equal rights and were barely much better than many southerners when it came to owning people. None of those people should be revered fondly either. A stain on our nation we should never forget. As slavery was with so many nations and countries in the past.

Go have some oatmeal and some prune juice Swede. Maybe it will put you in a better mood.

You’re probably right - best to just forget it ever happened and move on.

Good god you are trying way to hard dumbass. What is the context of this thread? I will give you a hint, ( naming schools). In that context, the names of these folks should not be on schools and they should be forgotten.

Do you suggest forgetting slavery ever existed? That sounds pretty bad and you should not suggest such things.

I am about to say something ridiculous, just to REALLY confuse the issue LOL

The Pyramids in Egypt and MesoAmerica, The Great Wall, temples across Asia, and probably many more ancient megastructures were all built using labor from enslaved people (the railroads across the American West came close, but those people weren’t exactly enslaved, technically); should we tear them down?

NEVERMIND, that was far more stupid than I imagined

I am about to say something ridiculous, just to REALLY confuse the issue LOL

The Pyramids in Egypt and MesoAmerica, The Great Wall, temples across Asia, and probably many more ancient megastructures were all built using labor from enslaved people (the railroads across the American West came close, but those people weren’t exactly enslaved, technically); should we tear them down?

NEVERMIND, that was far more stupid than I imagined

no one said to tear down the HS we are talking about. Just change the names. Easy peasey

Slave labor indeed was used all over the world and no nation or people group moved through time without that stain on their history. Learn from it but don’t honor it.

I knew it was a stupid comment, see!!!

(the railroads across the American West came close, but those people weren’t exactly enslaved, technically); should we tear them down?

On that topic, very near me is an amazing abandoned railroad snow tunnel. And it has the most amazing graffiti inside. Miles of it.

It’s not obvious from that photo which appears to show mostly garbage graffiti, but much of the graffiti is, IMO, quite good.

This tunnel was officially “off limits” for a long time, with the artists and other visitors just hopping fences, etc. Finally the park service was forced to make it an actual visitor site, so it’s legal now.

The tunnel was built by Chinese laborers in the 1860s. It looks to me like the government started to tear it down - there are sections that have been clearly destroyed with the concrete chunks scattered down the mountain. But then stopped.

Anyway, I’m getting to my point. At the entrance the Park Service put this condescending sign about how no one should put any more graffiti in the tunnels out of respect for the laborers.

I’m pretty sure they never asked the descendents of the laborers what their thoughts were. I’d imagine some might enjoy the drab concrete slabs they built being used as a canvas for color and thought.